Spun Into Your Scent
By BeautifulCalamity
"Your Poetry, Your Perfume, They Are My Obsessions"-s
the motion of two sinners,
frivolous .. as the night is cold.
static no longer harbors us,
and we are expression...
purity is my religion,
my antidote for truth..
your blanket of lies shelters me,
in an effort not to
Your Hands Glide Across My Tongue,
And More Than Desperate Shrieks..
we are in love.
We are not here,
(bloodshot eyes, like kisses filled with smoke..
give me away)
I am a paperless city,
of only porcelain and edges of fur..
I want you more than a night wish,
or any other prayer read straight
off the residue..
to sing and drip my Heart
into the ocean..
is the shake of paranoia,
and the numbness of..
seaweed and gumdrop filled cuts.
To Flow, Let Go
Shine Split..
I want to stink of my voice,
and explode of torquoise sequined eyes..
and most of all,
kiss you (kiss you)
Children laugh when you smile,
Shining Brightly through Your Teeth..
Supple strawberry instrumentals,
and fields (everlasting) of
purple flavored orchids..
You envision me toothless,
a halo of
atop my head...
"your poetry.."
(words of ways)
"your perfume.."
(scentless, but that for a lover to find)
"...they are my obsessions."
Beating me in the house of secrets,
together we learn how to keep them..
Beggars in the streets of
hardened hearts,
give us your pennies..
And We'll Fall Apart
Comments on "Spun Into Your Scent"
A former member wrote:
This seemed kind of bittersweet to me. Lovely and yet loveless but maybe I'm reading it wrong. Seems almost desperate and weary and needy. Very nicely written however you meant it:) ~Ryan
On Wednesday, October 13, 2004, Loserland
(113) wrote:
wonderful uses of adjectives....very interesting
On Monday, October 4, 2004, Zhee
(529) wrote:
beautiful write..~ am a paperless city, of only porcelain and edges of fur..~ i loved this!
On Monday, October 4, 2004, Solace
(1065) wrote:
"I am a paperless city..." I could eat up your words forever like fine dining i'll take it all with a glass of wine...Numbingly beautiful and enchanting...Stop my heart any time you want to...
On Sunday, October 3, 2004, SluG
(35) wrote:
awesome, couldnt stop thinking about this work. SluG
A former member wrote:
Overwhelming sense of imagery....mind...must...stop...reeling.
On Sunday, October 3, 2004, purr_verse
(1052) wrote:
gods, these are words to be wrapped in... subsuming and lush and otherworldly/but/real and just wonderfully written.
On Sunday, October 3, 2004, elisa
(1595) wrote:
this is just priceless....i will be keeping this close so i can read it when i feel lonely....~elisa