the new orleans leg
By Jonas
i was getting extremely stir crazy by the time we got to
new orleans. the dynamics of groups always interest me. i like to watch
people together, interacting. i don't like having to be one of those people.
i don't like heirarchies. i dislike pressing my will onto others only a
little less than i like to have another's will pressed upon me. it's a
control thing. it's a pride thing. it's a weird thing. on the other side
of the coin, this situation is helping me develop better attitudes and
learn new ways to deal with and accept being somewhat out of control. i'm
continuing to develop social skills inmany different areas of life. further,
i am having an excellent time.
new orleans is amazing. it has an excellent potent energy to it. sweat
and sex hang in the air. it feels romantic, but without the sap. the lamps
are beautiful, burning all night. i could live there.
jen is fun. she's growing on me. it's simulataneously a sad state of affairs
and comforting to actually have it through my head that i've got to be
a lot more guarded with my emotions. it's something i've got to continue
to remember to remember, however. balance has always been difficult for
me. i do have a feeling that i'll manage this decently. jen's someone i'd
be friends with, even if we weren't fucking. 'fucking' i don't like that
word. 'making love' is no better. words: the resting places of concepts
that exist in the fabric of our precieved reality. humbug. why haven't
they come up with a suitable set of terms for quasi-intimate, semi-casual
it's hot.
i'm dehydrated, broke and smoking too many cigarettes.
i fucking love road trips.
Comments on "the new orleans leg"
A former member wrote:
i picked this to read because i am in new orleans now and we are looking for somewhere to live down here. this post in its simplicity shows much of what is in your core without diving in. i am glad i read it.
On Wednesday, August 18, 2004, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
on the road, by Jack Keroak, i mean Jonas D. jk. sounds like a good trip...., may the road rise to your feet, and the sun shine upon your back......charley
On Thursday, August 12, 2004, Six-Out
(1423) wrote:
I still think you should stop off in Houston on the way back. Bastard.