Frailty of Mind
By Purposelessness
For so long I had been getting better
Basking in constant improvement
For so long
Hope had returned to dust the beast from the shadowed corners
But I now realise the beast was neatly stored, ready to unfold and drive
the light from the room
Drive the hope back like the unnatural, alien thing that it is
I am exactly the same as I once was
I am cold, the sense of drowning taking over the morning sunshine
As the clouds overtake my mind
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Copyright 2017 Purposelessness
Comments on "Frailty of Mind"
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On Monday, February 27, 2017, Purposelessness
(143) wrote:
Thank you guys, I hope this one does serve as a reminder to be who you want to be and not who the beast chooses you to be.
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, MR feathered fox
(28) wrote:
the sense of drowning taking over the (morning sunshine) As the clouds overtake my mind. This was a cold braim storm Excellent write
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, dwells
(4177) wrote:
The beast, once banished, is diminished and not indomitable Purp. The highs and the lows, they comes and they goes. Cheers for this realistic and honest appraisal - Dan
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, Jerry stiles
(235) wrote:
Great poem,,the beast is always ready to drive away your light,,but you can drive him away too,,u have the power,,