I Deserve It
By megaprime81
Punish me
I deserve
The most
Pain and
Punish me
I like the
Pain and
Punish me
Make me
Punish me
Inflict on me
Some agony
Punish me
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Copyright 2014 megaprime81
Published on Wednesday, March 12, 2014.
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Author's Note:
I deserve to suffer.Comments on "I Deserve It"
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On Friday, April 11, 2014, SilentHeart
(7) wrote:
If I could, I would take away your pain. I know how it feels - maybe not in the same way that you do, but in a very very similar way. However, you've made it this far and I know you can make it further. I hope you will find light and the beginning glimmer of joy in the not-so-distant future. God knows you deserve it.
A former member wrote:
I feel the same way about myself - Mrk
On Thursday, March 13, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
I'd hate for someone other than me to endure pain. I feel for you.
A former member wrote:
You don't deserve it. No one should feel like they deserve the cuts on their wrists. No one should feel like they deserve pain and sufferings.. Everyone deserves the best, its a shame not many of us get what we're worth
On Thursday, March 13, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Thank you. I torment myself because i don't like myself. I care more about others than i do me.
On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, blue angel
(866) wrote:
yes, seems you know you deserve it. At a cost... this is provoking!!!
On Thursday, March 13, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Thank you, angel. Your input is always welcome.