Infinite Calm
By FearlessDragon
Abolish the everlasting past
May its failures die with the crashing of its tides,
Walk forth into the breath of new seas
May their wonders inspire new desires,
Halt the swirling mists obscuring your view
May their wetness, instead, refresh your calm,
Dread not the coming storms and squalls
May you bask within the infinity of nothing
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Copyright 2013 FearlessDragon
Published on Tuesday, August 27, 2013.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and
Author's Note:
Struggling to attain this feeling lately. Wish I could put my stresses to rest.Comments on "Infinite Calm"
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A former member wrote:
Nicely done good sir, I feel ya on the wishing you could put your stresses to rest, good things will come to you in time! Much love!