Epidemy of Thoughts

By Melancholic VIncent

Hold your thoughts
They wander around wildly
Running without any leash in this head of yours
Swimming with careless blades cutting relentlessly like runaway trains
Leaving a trail of welcoming blood, attracting near unwelcome sharks
Thoughts on epinephrine ought to create a messy mind
All the drawers wide opened and you payed no mind to your closet
Your dirty little secrets leaking out flooding your floor
Let alone, the skeletons who came into being as you let your guard down
The skeletons are gone, now they materialized in convincing flesh and blood
Ready to expose my demons who were once locked away for no one to see
Stop them! Those thoughts are marching through to the billions
Like an invasion force they begin the intrusion and the occupation begins
The infection started and it was left unguarded, so it devoured as virulent as it could
The damage is irreversible, the losses uncountable, the thoughts are on the loose
The thoughts are no longer mine, I am no longer in control, the thoughts control me
Thoughtful of you to warn me. Thoughtless was I to think they were mine.
Those Thoughts thought differently

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Copyright 2013 Melancholic VIncent
Published on Tuesday, June 4, 2013.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Epidemy of Thoughts"

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  • Invisible Girl On Monday, June 10, 2013, Invisible Girl (134)By person wrote:

    Brilliant wordage..

  • Melancholic VIncent On Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Thanks Lisa =)

  • andhaka On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, andhaka (168)By person wrote:

    An amazing, insightful, and honest piece!!! I love the notion that we can't control our thought, but rather our thoughts control us. Truly a chilling write.

  • Melancholic VIncent On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Pretty much... Although people say "don't think too much", we often know the risks of thinking too much, but sometimes we learn the good things that come with it.... even so, sometimes they leave destruction on their wake

  • Devilish On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, Devilish (2640)By person wrote:

    Leaving a trail of welcoming blood, attracting near unwelcome sharks Thoughts on epinephrine ought to create a messy mind ... absolutely epic lines.. my god i couldn't have said it any better. perfect friend. Scholar

  • Melancholic VIncent On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Thank you! It's great when people say their favorite lines of the poem.

  • dwells On Tuesday, June 4, 2013, dwells (4211)By person wrote:

    The different thoughts sometimes are a blessing as we gain wisdom, but then often too, just more of the same - marvelous Vince, thanks!

  • Melancholic VIncent On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Yes, thoughts are both a gift and a curse. If you have less perception of your thoughts than it's not good, but if your thoughts scream at you in your head, that's usually not a good thing either. Thanks Dan.

  • A former member wrote: Physics explains that thoughts literally create an energy field of their own. When a positive thought field is exhuded it vibrates on a certain level. Only that thing which vibrates at the same level can be drawn to it. A rock cannot be a tree because its vibration is much lower. A human whose every dream is coming true cannot draw the hopeless human to it. It's science. When we think a negative thought it literally causes more harm to us...but people don't know the secret. We lose control, and the more hopeless everything seems the more hopeless it gets. A very good metaphor here; the epidemy of thoughts.

  • Melancholic VIncent On Wednesday, June 5, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    You seem very intelligent :) Thank you for this. Yeah, thoughts are more powerful than people imagine and sometimes even when we know it, we do little thing to stop them from festering doom.

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