Aesthetic Deception
By FearlessDragon
Imponderable planet we've weaved withers weary.
Discontently dissecting! Deceptively discerning! Destroying divinity!
Paying no mind!
Not a thought neatly noted not to neglect our naively named "neanderthal"
This fictional sphere
Falsely flourishes through time.
Superficial slums settle slothful,
Harboring in our helium heads,
Eradicating tolerance,
Raping the value of breath.
Boorishly beholding this bastardly beauty,
Anaesthetizing our eyes to forever be blind,
All authentic aesthetics
Authentically die.
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Copyright 2012 FearlessDragon
Published on Friday, December 21, 2012.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and