Single-Bullet Theory

By Melancholic VIncent

I was in my bed
Last night
Last time i laid upon a wooden one
I layed my head on the pillow
And i could feel something
That almost broke my spine
Something cold and hard
Under my neck
It was freezing and was metal shaped

I held it and checked it
It had six holes
Five blank
One bullet
And suddenly
Five thunders
One lightning
Came out from above
Like a call of warning
Giving me a feeling
That my destiny were tied
To the very bullet of that gun

And i started to love it
And i begun to want it
Like if the bullet inside
Had life itself
And it captured my will
It wanted to come out
Come out in a passionate erection
It wanted to come out
Come out in a explosive passion

It was loaded, demented
So were i
It was ready, suicidal
So were i

First shot
Nothing happened
But my heart started to beat faster

Second shot
Nothing happened
But my hand started to tremble

Third Shot
Nothing happened
But my legs begun to shake

Fourth Shot
Nothing happened
But my head felt it like it had

Fifth Shot
Nothing happened
But my life flashed right in front of my eyes

Sixth Shot
And my fate was sealed
But the bullet got stuck in the middle of my brain

I fell abruptly on the ground
Drooling and convulsing
My eyes were blank
Like the six holes were now
Now that the bullet was expelled
Infused deep into my brain
To never be extracted
Taking my life with it
To be forever a part of me
Laying me now
In this red pillow
Made of my own blood

Like a parasite organism
The bullet had fed
On my emotions
Of love and hate
On my feelings
Of pleasure and pain
On my fears
Of life and death

Laying in my stone bed now
Until my rotten body
Vanish into the dust
Leaving only a skeleton
As cold as the bullet
Forever trapped
As hard as the bullet
Inside my skull

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Copyright 2012 Melancholic VIncent
Published on Friday, June 8, 2012.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Single-Bullet Theory"

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  • Jonas Robinson On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Jonas Robinson (850)By person wrote:

    Brilliant use of free-style altering meter. Sort of like a goth Eliot.

  • I IS ME On Thursday, July 12, 2018, I IS ME (381)By person wrote:

    Ha ha ha we like this one. Great piece

  • A former member wrote: Wow man that was INTENSE as fuck. I was with u every step of the way. Brilliant ink!

  • Lil Demon Lady On Tuesday, December 24, 2013, Lil Demon Lady (39)By person wrote:

    I loved it, very well written. ♥

  • Melancholic VIncent On Tuesday, December 24, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Thanks Lil Demon Lady!

  • A former member wrote: Friggin' fucking awesome. I enjoyed how at many points the tension builds up and then slides down, going up a second time, sliding down again. and directly relating cold feelings, death and pain to characteristics of the bullet...very enjoyable read ^^

  • Melancholic VIncent On Tuesday, December 24, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Thanks! You really made me see the value of this poem :D

  • A former member wrote: This is so great. Most suicide poems I've read ends when the author lives at the last second, but you didn't. That's interesting. If there is anything I seem to have a problem writing about, it's my attempts. Thank you for sharing.

  • Melancholic VIncent On Saturday, February 9, 2013, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    I never did it, never tried to kill myself but I have thoughts of me doing it many many times, but not the actual urge, is it good? Is it bad? One would always say it's good, I just don't know... But from your talk I see that you have already tried that

  • A former member wrote: nice poem with great visuals. it's like i'm holding the gun. just my opinion but the end could use some touching up ( it lacks flow ). after reading this I was inspired to write my own experiences with death. unfortunately my poem dose not have great visuals like this one. Great piece of work here. thank you for sharing.

  • Melancholic VIncent On Thursday, July 12, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Thanks, well constructive comments are always welcome and it's always welcomed ways I can improve myself. And glad i could be of inspiration. I don't have much thought about suicide, but sometimes I think about it.

  • A former member wrote: great piece, i smiled as i read through, by sixth shot i said "BANG!" awesome write

  • Melancholic VIncent On Tuesday, June 26, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    Glad you liked it and i'm glad that i could transport you to that universe created from that poem. It means so much to me when i accomplish that. Thanks mate!

  • FadedBlues On Saturday, June 9, 2012, FadedBlues (2154)By person wrote:

    ...nice portrayal of the misplaced determination of a suicidal individual...

  • Melancholic VIncent On Saturday, June 9, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    I guess i never had the real suicide tendencies, but i used my empathy to know how would it be. My opinion on the subject is that these tendences that one can feel, like in many things, is when someone feels obsessed with this idea, have a hard time controling his impulses and have a misguided will to end a depressive state. Everyone is different and it would be arrogant for me to say that i know how every one feels, but i guess someone is blinded by a deep agony state and can't see beyond it, someone loses his rationality because they are smothered by these feelings and just want it to end it somehow and chose the worst way. I think suicide is an act of selfishness.

  • dwells On Friday, June 8, 2012, dwells (4211)By person wrote:

    If you survived then it was small caliber or wet powder perhaps. Russin roulette was not meant to go beyond a consecutive 5, assuming this was a 6 shot revolver. Scary piece well presented and almost too real, cheers!

  • Melancholic VIncent On Friday, June 8, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    It was fictional ;) As bad as i could feel in the past, I wouldn't end up doing something like that fortunately, i guess depression and melancholy were my inspirations for when i started writing.

  • dumbone On Friday, June 8, 2012, dumbone (63)By person wrote:

    This woke me up, made me feel like I have to do something. Thank you for sharing

  • Melancholic VIncent On Friday, June 8, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    I'd like to know more about what you meant. This is just a creation from me rather than what i feel, i mean, i have no suicidal thoughts, and i don't want to encourage any behaviour towards that. If this was a sign of warning of what you don't want to do, then I am happy that i've been of help. One of the best things about DarkPoetry community is that we can help each other :)

  • dumbone On Sunday, June 10, 2012, dumbone (63)By person wrote:

    i am a bit adicted to adrenalin, made me move from my bed to some downhill running cheers....

  • Melancholic VIncent On Sunday, June 10, 2012, Melancholic VIncent (429)By person wrote:

    I guess we can getting addicted to all chemicals, even the ones produced by our body. But there's always treatment for all kinds of addictions if it causes problems in our life. I have my ones addictions too. Not drugs, nor alcohol, nor smoking, more subtile forms of addictions

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