stained devotion

By ebonyamore

muddy knees and bloody handprints
dragged themselves across her white carpeting
left a mess that can't be cleaned
no matter how hard she scrubs
because she remembers
how he looked
when he came to her,
beaten down by life
(that smelled an awful lot like the overly sweet ozone
of a stormbeaten corn field)
to die in the arms of a woman
who didn't love him
and she wondered as the hot steam showered away
the fragments of his last pleading looks
whether he could see with his final breaths
that she was gone
before he was.
she still doesn't love him, but she loathes herself more....for what she couldn't give one last time...for a man's dying wish that went unanswered.

life goes on,
but guilt stains deeper than muddied, bloodied soul prints.

*i'm honestly not sure how i feel about this one....its kind of a departure from my norm but when they write themselves without a lot of struggle i try to just get out of the way*

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© 2009 ebonyamore
Published on Wednesday, April 29, 2009.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "stained devotion"

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  • Hands_Around_My_Throat On Saturday, January 27, 2018, Hands_Around_My_Throat (67)By person wrote:

    This radiated with me on such a low level. Guilt really can permeate the soul.

  • A former member wrote: A well deserved "Poem of the Day". This piece expressex raw emotion that draws such an electrifying image...that lasts in the circle of memories. Thank you for your impart.

  • kyhac125 On Monday, August 22, 2011, kyhac125 (2)By person wrote:

    was so true it hurts ..guit

  • tinkdarkchyld On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, tinkdarkchyld (25)By person wrote:

    ~ read with shimmering eyes~ amazing

  • ALBATROSS On Thursday, April 30, 2009, ALBATROSS (194)By person wrote:

    May be different from the norm but you still hit it on the head. I enjoyed it. Good write! =]

  • Imsosickxxx On Wednesday, April 29, 2009, Imsosickxxx (80)By person wrote:

    I don't really know what to say. I mean this piece was simple yet it had so much depth to it. This is an incredible piece of work! -sick

  • elisa On Wednesday, April 29, 2009, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    'get out of the way' intrusive to one's own words. (re)connecting to the soul. nicely put.

  • A former member wrote: ah, guilt... the secularized Christian experience so often the focus of existentialists along the lines of Kierkegaard, Marcel, Jaspers, et al., who find the gestalt shift in worship brought about by Xstianity intriguing if for no other reason than the influence it has on one's existence; it being the way one conceives of one's own relationship with God. I see the devotion here being that of the 'he' who brings the stains... is it his guilt or hers? The line, "she was gone before he was" rings so true to me; it seems to match the majority of my experience anyway. I get the association of the stain as being one attached to him, but I think the reading is may be more dynamic if the guilt is associated with her... it is an open question, isn't it? Thanks for the read!

  • MESUN On Wednesday, April 29, 2009, MESUN (230)By person wrote:

    you may not be sure about it but, it's rare for me to feel a connection like this. this somehow made me feel better about things i shouldn't have held on to. it was somethin i was able to see vividly without imagining something new, only remembering. somehow this felt like release for me. freedom, stained and muddy nonetheless, but freedom.

  • A former member wrote: Job Well Done Eh?

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