Comments by Velvet_Raventon

  • "In Psych 301, the prof. was telling us about the time his wife was in a plane, and a woman started choking. She said "this woman is choking!" (she wasn't near her) and people just ignored her (She eventually got up to do the Heimlich maneuver). Afterwards, people went to thank her, but they weren't going to do anything since there were so many other people on the plane. Responsibility gets diluted."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "The story is famous because there were witnesses; but my point wasn't that people inherently don't care, it's that as the number of witnesses increase, the number of people who actually do something decreases, it is a proven fact. In the end, no one does anything and people die."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "I first heard of her in my Social Psych class. You can find many justifications for what happened, but it doesn't stop the fact that it was so... wrong, and unbelievable. Even now I'm puzzled. What were those people thinking?!"
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "I don't think he's against gays though... I think he meant: why does someone who look different call me names for being that way? Shouldn't he have respect for differences?"
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "There's a link on the poem's page to reply on your own profile, and your work is then linked on both pages. I'm so glad you're back :)"
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "Looking at the floor, one would say I am the hairier half :D (I swear I vacuum, but it's hard to keep up sometimes)."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "Please, o Please" by Adam
  • "You should break it down into paragraphs, it would be easier to follow; also, have the text aligned on the left. You have a lot of repetitions too, which could be left out (like the several references to the Treaty of Versailles in a few lines). Hope this helps!"
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "Homework Essay" by Pureheartless
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