Memories Of A Missed Friend
By Adam
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I was cleaning my room (dorm) to move to a lower floor (damn it) and I
found this hanging on my post(ing)board thing. I remember the night she
made it for me, I was so happy Miša (Misha) had (just fooling around)
drawn me a quick sketch (all we had at the desk was a pen and highlighters)
saying she'd miss me in a few days when I left for University... Well almost
a year later I made it through my first year and its the fun times like
that night with her and Tim that I remember and hang on too.
I had made a good friendship with Miša (a summer intern where I worked/lived
(AMR)) and we hung-out, it never mattered she was 9 years older then me,
neither of us wanted to fuck each other (though she was REALLY hot) and
we always just made each other feel like we had a friend when we were both
angry, sad, pissed, or scared.
You may think that this was a childish picture for a 25-26 year old to
draw for me but to me it is wonderful!
Comments on "Memories Of A Missed Friend"
On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
This is crazy good, both the pic and the memories :)
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Adam
(241) wrote:
15 years later I'm sad to say I'd forgotten about this person, this friendship, and even to a certain extent this year of my life. I'm so happy I left this here.
On Saturday, December 2, 2017, sheff
(137) wrote:
I love your stream of consciousness
A former member wrote:
I fell in LoVe with this, so full of feelings... Memories truely do last a life time, I absolutely LoVed it....
On Monday, February 22, 2010, Musik2MyEyes
(192) wrote:
I love the feeling you get when you come across a treasure like this that sparks wonderful get to put life on "pause" for a moment and enjoy a piece of time that washes you in warm fuzzy emotion...the best kind. It was your sharing of this that reminded me of people I miss and the treasures I still have from them. It is the simplest of these things that are priceless. They instill a unique emotion all their own.
On Sunday, December 7, 2008, technicolour-girl
(21) wrote:
love it
A former member wrote:
its very sweet. and after reading underneath it, brings tears to my eyes. loves it misa. loves it
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, Rebel tiGer King
(239) wrote:
excellent man, this is something to be treasured, thank you for sharing this brother -symph-
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, Sketso
(416) wrote:
Loved the pic and the story to go with it! Quality friends, and the accompanying memories, are the world's greatest treasures. Thanks for sharing this one with us!
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, NikesRain
(1240) wrote:
nonesense, it's a great keepsake. thanks for sharing it and its story with us.
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, Dancing_Monkey
(1228) wrote:
Made me smile like a mad clown. I'd love something like this done for me. Thanks for sharing man.
A former member wrote:
It's perfect man, nothing childish about gestures of quality intention, great personal share,cheers:)