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  • "The longings that eat away at us as we crave them more. This was a sexy piece, these are the moments worth waiting around for. "
    Posted by Dilated View on "knives" by KittyStryker
  • "Really well researched. Speaking as a feminist that generally leans toward the anti-porn side, this article was really well done. You managed to lay out the reality and fantasy and make a point that didn't sound like it was blaming the anti-porn feminists for all the troubles in the world. I think we can both agree that the women involved need to be the focus of the discussion rather than morality."
    Posted by Gaz on "The Politics of Lust: Prostitution Undressed" by KittyStryker
  • "i've felt this so many times but have been too much of a punk to admit it.....even to myself!!! bravo!!"
    Posted by Jaded Jezzabelle on "fuck" by KittyStryker
  • "And as to the "starvation of millions" due to my participation in the monetary system of world economy: I own no land, no property other than my car. The second you can find a way for me to subsist in the modern world where all land is claimed by someone (meaning it's impossible for me to start with $0 and homestead somewhere, living off the land to actually survive), the second you can do that without me having to risk my children starving or my ex taking custody away from me because he won't let me leave the area with them, call me; I'll gladly sign up and quit my current job."
    Posted by Unknown on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "No, darlin', the answer is "call the cops" because I'm 5'2", have no fight/martial arts training and wouldn't stand a chance against the 6'3" buffed out brother beatin' the shit out his bitch, even with the Louisville slugger I'd be swingin'. If it was a kid, I'd step in myself. I've done it before, trust me. Police are trained to handle the violence; I am not and would likely just add another number to the body count."
    Posted by Unknown on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "is this abstract woman tied or bound in any way? it seems like in that particular situation one might be more reasonable to blame the woman for not walking away rather than blaming the bystander... the issues presented here seem to be missing key points. i wish this wasn't a computer i'm typing on, i'd like to have a debate with all of you... this will have to do. "
    Posted by Jonas on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "it's funny that the answer is: "call the police" as well. isn't that the same attitude??? if you really cared you'd go over there yourself... but we want 'the police'(translation: someone else) to take responsibility. what we're really looking at here is a total lack of community. humbug to 'calling the cops'."
    Posted by Jonas on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "i think it's funny that we're all sitting here discussing whether or not one should call the cops when they hear screaming like it's a social responsibility and you'd feel guilty if something happened... what about the knowledge that people in the world die of starvation because of the profit driven system of which you are a practicing part? individuals dying to violence is sad, individuals dying to violence while bystanders look on and do nothing is more sad, masses of people dying due to the unavailability of abundant and essential resources makes me mad enough to spit."
    Posted by Jonas on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "it's hard to be amazed when you come expecting excellent work, but you managed to surprise me with your perfectly off key last line. well said, kitty."
    Posted by Jonas on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "Keep the faith sister.. as a bisexual this hits close to home. It really amazes me that in this day where its not okay to call people racial slurs ie: nigger, kike, whop, whater... that its totally okay and accepted to call people faggots, and even moreso that because of that we deserve to die. Its fucking sick that we have to live like this.. but thats just the world. Great write. I really enjoyed a flip on the bs."
    Posted by Unknown on "faggotry" by KittyStryker
  • "I have no words I can place here that would do justice for the mood it leaves me in, so just writing to mark my name and let you know we all still love your works! and miss you lots!! -Heather-"
    Posted by Daughter_Of_The_Moon on "serotonin slavery" by KittyStryker
  • "Entirely true. Had the discussion with a neighbor. "I don't want to get involved. It's their business." I told her, I hear screaming, I call the cops, because even if it's a false alarm, I don't want to be the one to feel guilty that someone is dead because I did nothing. She just shrugged and looked at me like there was something wrong with me. People do nothing because they figure someone else will do something and it's none of their business."
    Posted by Unknown on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
  • "I'll not step in because its too hard...why should I? Is it believable? Why do I just stand here when this is so wrong? Oh yea thats right...cuz its not me."
    Posted by Unknown on "a poem for Kitty Genovese" by KittyStryker
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