Comments by All Members

  • ""It's weird how a gust of wind can blind you by its color"...I know that so well...not only in my dreams, but in's nice to take a peek inside your head at night...or anytime of day, in fact. Wonderful piece. Torso-sized butterflies was a wo"
    Posted by Unknown on "Perplexify my sanity" by Mistress Morbid
  • "This is overflowing with emotion...the contrast of feelings and they just all rush in at once...I love how you staged it...when I first started reading, I would have never suspected it to twist as it did...this is a remarkable piece. *adds* "
    Posted by Unknown on "Anguish Rain" by Mistress Morbid
  • " oh this was so moving and filled me with overwhelming sadness ,so beautifully expressed pain that just took me right into the scene and emotions and left me in shock, the last line especially i felt.incredile work that truly moved me "
    Posted by Anth on "Anguish Rain" by Mistress Morbid
  • " this is really cool, it just lights the image in my mind so easily and dances around for a while i read every brilliant line "
    Posted by Anth on "Pyromaniac" by Mistress Morbid
  • " excellently executed idea that was a joy to read in its flow and captivating style, truly talented, truly you excel in everything you write "
    Posted by Anth on "Flow" by Mistress Morbid
  • "i also know the feeling of living in constant negativity. though hoping and believing that something might happen can eventually leave me least i believed in least i could wear a smile.. "
    Posted by Jedi_MindFuck on "Nothing" by Mistress Morbid
  • "constantly living in negativity...shattering others' hopes as well...sometimes unawares sometimes for fun. i know the feeling of believing in false hope and becoming gravely disappointed and.... "
    Posted by Jedi_MindFuck on "Nothing" by Mistress Morbid
  • "similar to a drug...euphoria suddenly replaced with reality, nausea and one nasty headache. however it's when we no longer allow ourselves to get our hopes up that's the worst... "
    Posted by Jedi_MindFuck on "Nothing" by Mistress Morbid
  • "Ooh wow.. Such a haunting and chilling image, like a flash of destruction set into the mind.. this was haunting, yet beautifully expressed. Amazing work Morb. this is like a punch in the stomach, but you enjoy it. ~L"
    Posted by Lynaes on "Endeavor (A wish)" by Mistress Morbid
  • "shockingly awesome, this read like bullet time!!!the powerful imagery that totally sets up the scene in your mind and the clever ending the action and flow this is utterly outstanding (clicks faves) "
    Posted by Anth on "Endeavor (A wish)" by Mistress Morbid
  • " what a journey to the dreamy nature of colorful imagination this was so much of a pleasure to read my smile reached my ears lol when i got to the second to last verse, absolutely amazing "
    Posted by Anth on "Perplexify my sanity" by Mistress Morbid
  • " sigh... this is just what the world is comiing to and it is so very very scary. This is filled with mind-fuelling descritives... a great and powerful write. "
    Posted by flying_fox on "Endeavor (A wish)" by Mistress Morbid
  • " Wowith .. this was incredible .. stacked high to the cieling with imagery. This was very well written - such an imagination you have. Awsome Read. [D&A] "
    Posted by DoctorAsh on "Perplexify my sanity" by Mistress Morbid
  • "so compelling and brilliant in its imagery metaphor, as if trapped in a maze of life, but so vivid this was the images really come alive ,a gripping imaginative write"
    Posted by Anth on "Cornfield Effect" by Mistress Morbid
  • "short but powerful, i like the contrasting image of the kind of bite the hand that feeds you or the giving hand can take all back am i making sense lol?, its another great work from you"
    Posted by Anth on "Help Denied" by Mistress Morbid
  • "The last two lines were gutting and devastating, so sad.. I loved the second stanza, gorgeous imagery. Eloquent work Morb. ~L "
    Posted by Lynaes on "Deep Six Elated" by Mistress Morbid
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