Comments by All Members
- "Wow this started off soft and serene and quickly escalated from there. The flow of this kept me reading along nodding and then I could feel the rage begin to grow. "I scream like a hundred tortured banshees" What a great visual touch. Very cool read!"
Posted by Dilated View on "A thousand tears" by ellie
- "Loved it. Very true what you say, people are only abused because they allow it. Yes a lot of people would actually argue with me. But you perfectly described what I believe."
Posted by Unknown on "White Purity" by ellie
- "Oh much pain...I can feel the emotions, soo deep...This poem deserves to be poem of the really does."
Posted by maggot death on "Memories" by ellie
- "I have never been a big fan of rhyming throughout a poem, but I like what you're trying to convey."
Posted by Chalin on "Never Tell" by ellie
- "The loss of such beauty is to be sorely missed. You've captured the mood very well - great write! ~L (Synthetic Darkness)"
Posted by Loneal on "Lost Angel" by ellie
- "...I am beyound impressed with this. The emotion in it was amazing...I do believe this is going to be added to my faves"
Posted by Angst Queen on "Nightmare" by ellie
- "just wanted to say that i like this... its pretty... anyhow... "
Posted by Unknown on "Memories" by ellie
- "nice imagery. like painting a picture inside my eyelids. i promise not to wash it away. nicely done."
Posted by Twilight on "Elusive Girl" by ellie
- "i really liked this alot.. beautiful words and .. i dunno.. just lovely :D"
Posted by Unknown on "Memories" by ellie
- "i love it when people use pain and beauty in their writing. i relate to this all to well. incredible."
Posted by spaniellie on "White Purity" by ellie
- "holy..... Your power of words is astonishing! Truly a poet with beautiful verse and story. You are amazing! "
Posted by Unknown on "Lost Angel" by ellie
- "this was truly beautiful! I'm appalled (sp?) you don't have any comments on this. I'm trying to find praise, but 1: I'm not having any luck AND 2: I don't think any is necessary..... beautiful"
Posted by Unknown on "Always; But Forever?" by ellie
- "wow...i really like this one. you're a great poet but you shuld try writing songs, i think you'd write good ones. this poem has nice rythm. Good job :D"
Posted by Unknown on "Lost Angel" by ellie
- "not too shabby; broken hearts yield undeniable pain, and for one to bottle (capture) the essence of such a cold agony is a talent not so hard to come upon as it is to illustrate and instill meaning and depth into the words"
Posted by Unknown on "A thousand tears" by ellie
- "That scream...all I could hear is my own, and I'm severely depressed right now, so I will only say you are a wonderful poet and the poem is painfully heartfelt *~seraph~*"
Posted by Seraphic on "Elusive Girl" by ellie
- "a part of this reminded me of myself. such a sad write. i enjoyed this. ~Drea~"
Posted by Drea on "Elusive Girl" by ellie
- "this was great in the sense that it both caused you to be able to vent...and *feel* emotion raw and uncensored is most theraputic..thanks for sharing this...*vel*"
Posted by A Velvet Tongue on "So Simple" by ellie