Comments by All Members
- "Sorry for the much much delayed reply, but yes, this is a sentiment placed into a plath-like form, but you may borrow it within reason if it inspires you. :)"
Posted by Guillotine on "Plathora" by Guillotine
- "Oh my god, this is so beautiful!! The shortness, it's so incredibly sweet. How did I miss this before? I'm sorry I did. Beautiful write."
Posted by Ladyhawke on "August And Romance" by Guillotine
- "Totally agree with snakeskingrin. The word usage and combinations are perfect. It makes the whole poem come alive. I love it when words do that. Truly a piece of well crafted art you've given us. Thanks for sharing it:)"
Posted by Ladyhawke on "Midnight Garden" by Guillotine
- "" I would murder ink". . .what a great line. Really shows the gritiness and feeling in this poem. Again, great write!"
Posted by Ladyhawke on "Cadence" by Guillotine
- "This is a gorgeous, flowing declaration. The last stanza is magnificent..."murmuring in clouds and whispers, backwards into the waves, that are breaking by our ears"...this is something like a conch...when you put your ear close, you can hear the love in it."
Posted by Amaryllis on "Coma" by Guillotine
- "Incredibly dynamic and illustrative. I enjoyed every line. Thankyou for that lovely read. "
Posted by Unknown on "Silence" by Guillotine
- "every moment is ephemeral, or at least when it is done will be...or is it? Within a few short lines you have captured an odd but heartfelt moment, a moment that pulses on; long after lives have heaved into slumber. The idea of the sleep mixes in perfectly with the ephemeral nature or take on things.....Luke, I miss your participation...but Luke; I am...not...your father! Gor-hasss gor-hass (Vader breathing in case anyone wonders what drugs I'm on tonight...)"
Posted by stryder on "Ephemeral" by Guillotine
- "you always had a poignanacy that dove into darker, at times more surreal edges; but you always retained that human voice of despair, yearning, searching and losing......quite the ride Luke, whether you're lost or not..."
Posted by stryder on "Lost" by Guillotine
- "risk vs reward... . .heart vs hardening......i find this heavy at this time of year...youve always ahd a way of pondering the details and making them indelible in our minds' world......blessings~"
Posted by Unknown on "Dinner-Cups And Coffee-Spoons" by Guillotine
- "So very real... I missed getting lost in your petal soft reverie... patching together the contours of your soul, one brief glimpse at a time. You have such a beautifully pained touch. This is truly angelic."
Posted by Unknown on "Ephemeral" by Guillotine
- "the short and mostly sweet the most beautiful things/moments in life seem to be to our hearts. .. . .. "raindrops and stereo static staccato smoke" is enough to make me mourn my own heartaches, let alone how the rest of the images form a sudden shadowy blur along the rough edges of what must have beena wrenching love, what could STILL be an encompassing ever........but then that stopstill cut at the end, ''fall back asleep'' makes me hurt; was it a dream? was it pretend? are you ignoring the beauty on purpose? are you trying to memorize the everything? are you offering a chance to softly leave while you wont know? it hurts to think of all the implications on this.......pleasure to have you post again. ~amen"
Posted by Unknown on "Ephemeral" by Guillotine
- "If seem to have managed quite well...if you feel you can't write...'murder ink'...and paint away...a vivid canvas...I like it...:)"
Posted by kinkifrog on "Cadence" by Guillotine
- "amen; i feel this on so many levels, but youve brought it out in technicolour venomous voluptuous bold voice. always a pleasure."
Posted by Unknown on "Cadence" by Guillotine
- "that was an amazing piece well written and captured presence, to chase ones own halos was a brilliant line in my opinion, an moving script indeed"
Posted by Eye of Minerva on "10:37" by Guillotine
- "so pretty, loved the flow of the ending. it's good to see new work from you."
Posted by Unknown on "10:37" by Guillotine
- "good to read your words; brings clarity to the cobwebs. .. . the ending strophe is a hope for all hearts except that it feels somehow lamenting. . .but oooo---to have someone 'have' every part of your being.......takes courage and faith.......amen."
Posted by Unknown on "10:37" by Guillotine
- "Lost my self in these words, tried to pick a favorite line hopelessly each and every is just right."
Posted by Unknown on "Plathora" by Guillotine
- "a very fitting tribute, and quite a lot of stirring thoughts here, what with death being nothing but a culmination of all the loose ends and all. Is that your own thought, in it's plath-like form, or a sentiment borrowed? I too, would like to borrow it, as it sets my mind to spinning. Well done!"
Posted by Sketso on "Plathora" by Guillotine
- "truly a beautiful tribute, a serene portrait of her own explorations.. this flows effortlessly."
Posted by Unknown on "Plathora" by Guillotine