By Guillotine
I slept for
a while
here amongst the damp earth,
where I can hear the dragonflies
and the slow ticking as worms count time
past my countenance.
I hold no fear of death.
Death is a finality -
a culmination
of all my loose ends
embroidered with rotting leaves
and sown
into roots and ashes.
I am no fool for you to tell me
is life;
something to fashion fantasies of
white light and whispers.
Life is taken in the deep, dark waters
where the last heartbeat
has no echo;
nor ears to be heard.
No lips will speak in hushed
I tell you -
Death is an ending;
a last and final
ovation to
an empty choir,
peaceful and encient as this.
Damp earth, dragonflies and worms.
This is death.
Can you not
hear it?
It calls my name,
seduces me with promise.
voice could crumble nations.
It sits in the shadows beneath the
beneath the oak and in the acorns.
This is no plea;
no cry for salvation.
I have found my place,
here among the
damp earth, the dragonflies
the worms, the elm, the oak.
here, amidst the acorns,
I am found.
Comments on "Plathora"
A former member wrote:
Very stout in your opinion of death, and I enjoy it. Most people sit on the fence when it comes to that subject. I paid particular attention to the part of embroidering leaves, and the thought of such beauty in death makes me glad for it. Perhaps I'll get off the fence soon myself.
A former member wrote:
Lost my self in these words, tried to pick a favorite line hopelessly each and every is just right.
On Thursday, October 15, 2009, Sketso
(416) wrote:
a very fitting tribute, and quite a lot of stirring thoughts here, what with death being nothing but a culmination of all the loose ends and all. Is that your own thought, in it's plath-like form, or a sentiment borrowed? I too, would like to borrow it, as it sets my mind to spinning. Well done!
On Sunday, September 30, 2012, Guillotine
(168) wrote:
Sorry for the much much delayed reply, but yes, this is a sentiment placed into a plath-like form, but you may borrow it within reason if it inspires you. :)
A former member wrote:
truly a beautiful tribute, a serene portrait of her own explorations.. this flows effortlessly.
On Thursday, October 15, 2009, Guillotine
(168) wrote:
In tribute to Sylvia Plath.