Comments by All Members
- "I did not turn the TV on or look at a newpaper. For me the wounds are still raw and I don't need them to start bleeding again. I don't know how six years have passed in such a short time. Your poem... touched me. I'm glad to know that at least one other p"
Posted by SilentDreamer on "Six Years" by A Burning God
- "Interesting message...trying to get the world to understand something, but failing in the end because the world doesn't WANT to understand. Nice rhyme scheme. ~*Beth*~"
Posted by Unknown on "A Suicide Poem" by A Burning God
- "This is the second time that I'm reminded of how much a picture can say. And like I've been saying recently "girls these days are headtrips... I dunno how anybody can handle more than one at once""
Posted by A poet of madness on "Someone's a little nuts" by A Burning God