
Shewolf's picture
Ah Jason, I wouldn't call our life together and apart a "walk", I'd have to call it one wild assed ride LOL. We've loved, we've laughed, we've cried, we've fought, we've been demon possessed, battled demons in ourselves and others and won when we shouldn't have. We've survived when by all rights we should both be dead. You gotta admit, our lives have been anything but dull.
Through it all my Love for you never faltered, even when I thought I had lost you forever, it never wavered. I have learned that to love someone the way I love you is both a blessing and a curse, much like life itself can be both a blessing and a curse. I'd have it no other way.
I have to laugh each time you say "The Legendary S. T. ", I don't really think I deserve that title, but it seems to please you to say it and I know in your mind you really do see me that way. LOL, you've put me on a pedestal that I could easily get knocked off of. I will do my best to continue to be what I have always been for you, not out of a sense of obligation, but simply because I love you.
We have come full circle, I have no idea where it will lead us, but as long as I draw breath I will be right here for you.
You are my Life, my Love and my Soulmate. I have loved you since our souls were born, I love you now and will love you in the field and beyond.

Shewolf's Works

Poetry 2005-12-06The Master's Gifts
Poetry 2005-12-12Timeless Dance
Poetry 2005-12-14Today's Ashes
Poetry 2005-12-20The Angel's Tears
Poetry 2005-12-24What is Love?
Poetry 2006-01-01The Longing of a Vampyre
Poetry 2006-01-04My Only Regret
Poetry 2006-01-07A Tender Lie
Poetry 2006-01-12How Would you Remember Me?
Poetry 2006-02-10Let Me Be Strong Enough
Poetry 2006-02-18Silent Despair
Poetry 2006-04-21The Fallen
Poetry 2006-06-17Silent as Death
Poetry 2006-06-20I'll Believe the Words
Poetry 2006-07-27Again...
Poetry 2006-08-18The Fortress
Poetry (Tribute)2012-02-28Tribute to notanaddict
Poetry 2012-10-01The Path
Poetry 2012-10-04No Trace
Poetry 2013-01-11Sevenfold
Poetry 2013-03-24Untitled
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