Idle Hands

By suicidalsecrecy

Enraged at the thought of dying at the hands of another man
Better to die by my own hand
Suicide is a death sentence you yourself give
Only problem is family won't forgive
Craziness is a death sentence itself
Sanity is higher up on the top shelf
Majority of the world is crazy too
But everyone looks always to you
Why? Because you are the poster child
Freakish, insane, psychotic and wild

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Published on Thursday, October 20, 2005.     Filed under: "Reflective" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Idle Hands"

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  • Scarrzz On Friday, May 20, 2011, Scarrzz (236)By person wrote:

    I can't really relate to the feeling expressed here about being an outcast, or freakish, or even mentally unstable. Somehow I've always known myself deep inside, and made all of my choices with the certainty that I was willing to accept the consequences. When I went through the lowest point of my life, realizing that the one I chose to give my full measure of love to had cast it and me away, I truly wanted to die. It would have been easy for me to do that, but there was one problem, I still care too much about the people who care about me. I would not bring myself to hurt them, even if it meant living in constant pain with virtually no hope of change. I gave my love and I live with the consequences, but I will not hurt others to make it easy on myself. Suicide isn't hurting yourself, it's hurting others. Maybe I'm also arrogant enough to be willing to be broken, but still not willing to give up. I do agree that the majority of the world is crazy, but I refuse to ride with them on the way to the cliff. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: I totally dig this. I love that you point out that the whole world is crazy too, but only the "freaks" get called out on it. Good write! Scholar

  • Scarrzz On Friday, May 20, 2011, Scarrzz (236)By person wrote:

    Very good point, YPP. People usually try to make themselves feel better by pointing out how messed up someone else is while ignoring their own faults. I'd rather be a freak than a hypocrite. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: Makes me think of the quote, "you can't fire me because I quit." It starts me thinking about the point of view of the person contemplating suicide and the aftermath. I myself have thought about this and about what my family would say. My mother crying and my dad very emotional saying, "you stupid idiot, why would you do that?" Scholar

  • A former member wrote: There is no sanity... there is only majority. A good thought. Thank you for sharing. Scholar

  • elisa On Friday, October 21, 2005, elisa (1604)By person wrote:

    it's amazing what you can learn about yourself when someone backs you into the 'ultimate' corner....this reminds me of the most revealing moment in my life.

  • VenomPlease On Thursday, October 20, 2005, VenomPlease (134)By person wrote:

    All the beauty lies in insanity. The sane ones are boring...

  • suicidalsecrecy On Friday, October 21, 2005, suicidalsecrecy (43)By person wrote:

    very true.. if not for the insane the world would be dull and lackluster

  • Frater Synth On Thursday, October 20, 2005, Frater Synth (66)By person wrote:

    awasome write i'm glad i stumbled upon it nd the ending sounds alot like me Freakish, insane, psychotic and wild yea definitly me lol

  • Cetra On Thursday, October 20, 2005, Cetra (16)By person wrote:

    wow me likey

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