the closest i come to self-love.

By doll on the rag

i am naive

not ashamed of my ignorance

a child who believes
in dolphin-safe tuna
and doesn't know
what makes thunder

who is confused by ships
and wonders what makes glass break

who goes about in bare feet
and makes soap bubbles
and asks questions
but never too many
at once

who tries hard
not to expect anything more
than the occasional smile
so that everything after
is a gift

i never wanted to grow
beyond the awkward years
of asphalt-torn knees
and dirty hands

never wanted to say goodbye
to make-believe
or undone shoestrings

never wanted to be anything
but honest
and sympathetic
and unbearably patient

i've outgrown
those pastel dresses
but held fast
to little-girl ways

or so i like to believe

sometimes i think
if i were anyone else
i'd look at the person
busy being me
and wonder how she manages
to not let common sense
cloud her eyes

but seeing as my introspective sight
has been strained to legally-blind digits
it takes some time
for me
to appreciate
all the things i don't know
and don't care to

and i forgive those
who laugh at my unknowing

i play in the dirt

that's good enough

i don't envy the person
who's busy being anyone else
with her fists full
of practicality
and sensible reasoning

she can keep her life

and you can keep yours, too

and i can keep believing
in the idea of

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Copyright 2005 doll on the rag
Published on Thursday, September 22, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "the closest i come to self-love."

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  • urbanhumility On Wednesday, May 3, 2006, urbanhumility (1167)By person wrote:

    your prose is is potent and very well done...........urban

  • Muse On Wednesday, April 19, 2006, Muse (57)By person wrote:

    ahh..i always wanted something similar..never lose childish curiosity

  • not an addict On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, not an addict (45)By person wrote:

    "...what makes flowers bloom?" *love and squishy things* =)

  • doll on the rag On Tuesday, September 27, 2005, doll on the rag (200)By person wrote:

    it was a good question. *nod*

  • A former member wrote: A confident and positive perspective, you know who you are, it's charged with power!

  • Six-Out On Thursday, September 22, 2005, Six-Out (1425)By person wrote:

    I love your mind.

  • doll on the rag On Thursday, September 22, 2005, doll on the rag (200)By person wrote:

    you can't have it. but you may pet it, if you'd like.

  • Six-Out On Thursday, September 22, 2005, Six-Out (1425)By person wrote:

    That's good enough for me. Just let me admire it, and I'd be content. ;)

  • Anth On Thursday, September 22, 2005, Anth (1127)By person wrote:

    :) faves

  • Anth On Thursday, September 22, 2005, Anth (1127)By person wrote:

    im glad you approached this, the way you write suits perfectly what you express here,of your poetry so far, i love this one most

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