stillframe memoir

By doll on the rag

and there was something in the
sloping way
you unfolded before me,
pink as the underside
of a shell

those nights when each kiss
was a blossom unto itself,
roselip flesh sampled softly
beneath blankets and silver screens

you set fire to me
a thousand times over

and i thought
(before anyone else tells you)
you should know

your tongue
can silence oceans

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Copyright 2005 doll on the rag
Published on Wednesday, September 7, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "stillframe memoir"

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  • not an addict On Wednesday, September 28, 2005, not an addict (45)By person wrote:

    i feel like i should comment... but there are no words... only a boundless gratitude.

  • TheBardOfBlasphemy On Saturday, September 10, 2005, TheBardOfBlasphemy (357)By person wrote:

    ...and your words can silence my awesomeness of commenting... i feel lame.

  • Railway_Butterfly On Thursday, September 8, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    please, stop under estimating yourself. I mean it, dolly.. just. You rock my world you amazing little piece of gorgeousness, you.

  • A former member wrote: Im glad i found you, great write.

  • Six-Out On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, Six-Out (1425)By person wrote:

    This stopped my breath. Your writing is divine, dolly girl.

  • AniDayz On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, AniDayz (820)By person wrote:

    *...absolutely gorgeous...*

  • doll on the rag On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, doll on the rag (200)By person wrote:

    strange... never thought i'd catch you here, in the middle of my mucking-about. but that makes me all the more glad you've come by. =) thank you muchly for the reading and kind words, sweet.

  • purr_verse On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, purr_verse (1056)By person wrote:

    Well, it'd be nice to leave a comment a little more erudite than "*gasps*", but I'm unable to. Divine.

  • doll on the rag On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, doll on the rag (200)By person wrote:

    aww... *mwah* danke schön. post something new. i want to fawn over the most recent churnings of that pretty little mind you have.

  • Anth On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, Anth (1127)By person wrote:

    this was epic and delicate, masterful

  • doll on the rag On Wednesday, September 7, 2005, doll on the rag (200)By person wrote:

    thanks, sweet. i think you're much too nice to me for my own good.

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