By SolApathy
Time doesn’t matter, nor do I
As the universe moves
Still is the sky
Look to the enormity of our insignificance
Universes laugh at the briefness of our existence
Yet we hold dear
The forever moment of a shed tear
A day never ends
As we hold the hand of our love through a moonlit night
Sunrise just out of sight
I write these poems to never forget the moments we hold dear
Cast them in the memory of those lost
Time can never save forever, the love we crave
In these words, I crave to recount emotions, felt
Tell me of what you remember today of a love, yesterday?
As the universe moves
Still is the sky
Look to the enormity of our insignificance
Universes laugh at the briefness of our existence
Yet we hold dear
The forever moment of a shed tear
A day never ends
As we hold the hand of our love through a moonlit night
Sunrise just out of sight
I write these poems to never forget the moments we hold dear
Cast them in the memory of those lost
Time can never save forever, the love we crave
In these words, I crave to recount emotions, felt
Tell me of what you remember today of a love, yesterday?
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Copyright 2022 SolApathy
Published on Monday, October 24, 2022.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and