Fractured Phoenix
By themasterhunter
The purity of flame is often lauded
heartbeats away from feeling lost in it's glow
a shard of the power of the cosmos
made manifest in the phoenix flame
reborn in the somber ashes
of the dying supernova of the raging throes of passion
and streaking through the sky,
tearing asunder the blue and making way
for the torn beyond of the unseen
beautiful, unending, incomprihensible.
asunder, our world of static
lost in the stopped time of adrenaline peace
the flames only rise,
the dead only cry
and this nightmarish destruction can never be seen
the phoenix takes the scene
tendrils of flame
a beautiful and unending rising action
crescendo rending peircing ears ontil only
the vibrations of the cosmos are felt
the blinding brightness envelops me
tears running down the face with unseeing eyes-
this beauty can be felt only once
but remembered for eternity
and my mind's eye will forever
be in memory of the fractured traumatic opus
that the phoenix showed me,
i long for that fire
the tearing of my reality
I long for the peeks into the cosmos
that i know will break my mind and
complete the trinity
my mind, forever cursed with the visions of the phoenix
eyes burn until they cant see
and my ears feeling only the vibrations of reality
I wish for this fractured phoenix
to fracture me
Comments on "Fractured Phoenix"
On Monday, November 16, 2020, happilydepressed
(400) wrote:
Amazing write I loved the line "this beauty can be felt only once but remembered for eternity" very powerful work here, : ) : (