I'm Dead

By happilydepressed

I cried as I came into this world
You were all so happy
I'm happy I'm dead
Now you're the ones crying

My body is in a shallow grave
Maybe I'll dig it up
Brush myself off and take a deep breath
Inhale death's lingering aroma
Such bitter sweetness is a little too much

I can't remember or perhaps i never forgot
Maybe I never tried
Never cried as the world around me died
My deep thoughts were random sperts of madness
Injected through my soul

Emptied my heart
Not to make room for you
Not for anyone
Just to ease my burden
Let my mind rest
But only for a moment

Then the screams echo through out my mind
Hollow halls with dusty portraits
That have become my only lasting memories
I look out my window at the rising sun
The twilight fills my soul and room
With an unsure,peaceful calm
Maybe today will be a new begining
Or perhaps the inevitable sunset will be the end

But yet the world continues to decay
Waste slowly away
The core is rotted out
It's waters nothing but a sespool
The air itself is death
After so many breaths you die
So don't quit smoking
Just don't ever take a breath

Step into a bloody pool
Don't be afraid to show your scars
Denounce all your worldly wizards
Out of all the people in this world
The person who should've always followed
Is no other than yourself

You know what no one else knows
Your dark secrets hid deep in your grave
Rise father, come to my rescue
Take me home, make everything alright
But now i'm sloped in the corner alone
I'm too lazy too breathe
I'm not coming back
I'm dead, I love it too much to leave

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Copyright 2020 happilydepressed
Published on Saturday, October 10, 2020.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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