...Catalyst of the Dire...

By SolApathy

Darkness oozes through my cracks
Emptiness of a being created for one reason
I burn with the fuel of a planet enraged
Fury of my wicked smile uncaged
Do you feel the evil seeping into your pores
Draining you of your love and desire?
Filling you with dismay

Engorged on fear
The catalyst of my rage
Malevolence fully engaged
You shall all choke upon my cloud of ire
I will burn this world for your sins
You turned me into
 I am the end of happiness and desire
Hell has nothing on my fire
Hagedorn temperature reached
My pain at its peak,
…So close to absolute hot…
Planck temperature achieved
Expose the universe to the moment of the end
The universe will pay the price of your

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© 2020 SolApathy
Published on Thursday, April 13, 2017.     Filed under: "Graphic Art"

Author's Note:

The universe bleeds with an infinity of sins...With my fire I will cauterize the darkness within...
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Comments on "...Catalyst of the Dire..."

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  • FangsInsanity On Tuesday, May 9, 2017, FangsInsanity (37)By person wrote:

    Excellent flow, rhythm, all of that. I could read this over and over again it's just that good. I look forward to reading more of your works.

  • A former member wrote: Really enjoyed this piece. Those first two lines just really captured my attention and the rest of the poem carried it throughout the piece. I really liked your use of ellipses.

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