Sink or Swim
By megaprime81
If your ship is sinking,
It's best to abandon it
If your ship is sinking,
You'd better swim for it
If you're waiting for a rescue,
You'd better be sure
That waiting is much better
Than trying to swim for shore
If your ship keeps sinkikng,
You better jump off of it
If your ship crashes hard
No life boats left,
Grab a life preserver
And make a good swim of it
If you reach dry land,
You can celebrate
Surely not before then
Or else you'll be too late
To make it to the shore
You might just drown
If you're coming back for more
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Copyright 2014 megaprime81
Published on Monday, March 10, 2014.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and
Author's Note:
Just a little ditty i wrote.Comments on "Sink or Swim"
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On Tuesday, March 11, 2014, blue angel
(866) wrote:
cool write, can't forget about the sharks. They ensure that making it back to shore is just a fantasy ... 10
On Monday, March 17, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Thank you. :-)