Flashbacks and memories
By Deviated09
The protected one. The feared one. The hated one. The envied one.
Killing me, hating thee, becoming we.
Collapsing me, it couldn't be, I didn't see.
I hated it, it made a fit, it shouldn't hit.
I feel that bit, dig it deeper, create the insanity
I've lost it for you. My mind's parallels shattering.
You wanted this!?
My heart, my bones, my chest.. What did you do?
Why can't I sleep.. Why can't I eat..
What did he say just then? I can't see clearly..
But I trusted my life to your care. I thought it was right.
I thought I could share, cover my six in this fight.
But you.. you just didn't trust in me..
Chaos shows.. Bloody nose.. missing toes..
ghost white face.. My disgrace..
brother come back..
PTSD is a real issue facing many of us. It strikes us in ways many just
don't see. It's our own hell. Deja vu into the worst pits of pain and suffering.
I see dead bodies, blood, gunshots, glass flying.. I hear the screaming..
I see the faces.. I can't breath from it all.. I just know that I need
to get out of where ever I am. The dreams, they haunt even deeper. When
you lose someone to tragedies, it never gets easier. Just a smell, a few
musical notes, the sound of someones voice.. For me, a loud bang, a dog
barking, sirens from emergency vehicles, sudden movements out of the shadows,
just a few of the things that have triggered bad memories. When we make
the oaths, swear to give anything for our freedoms, that never ends in
us. Even afterwards, we are who we were. This is my little piece of burning
hell. These are my skeletons. I havent served as long as I wanted. I have
seen many horrors outside my service. I have given up so much just for
the sake of preservation. And it still tortures me daily.
Author's Note:
my POV on PTSD. Disco at endComments on "Flashbacks and memories"
On Monday, August 5, 2019, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Makes us who we are; whether we want it or not, and gives us the power (and the strength) to see what others cannot - a wisdom that many will never know. Cheers sadly my friend! - Dan
On Monday, January 13, 2014, DarkDruidess
(313) wrote:
This was painful to read but thank you for sharing...may future days be easier for you to bear.
A former member wrote:
Very inspiring and sad. I hope that things become easier for you. Thank you