Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors Episode 66 Reunion (Part 3)
By megaprime81
Saw Boss steps off his throne and turns into his vehicle form; Jayce and
Audric are together, but the others are in a different part of the maze
that is Saw Boss's base.
Audric: We have the adnantage over Saw Boss if he doesn't know we've reunited
the root. All we have to do is go to the core and use the root on the Black
Light that powers it, and on Saw Boss afterwards.
Jayce: But Father, how do we find the Black Light?
Audric: The root will guide us to it, Jayce.
Jayce: The root?
Audric: Saw Boss knows the time is close, Jayce.
He'll do anything to stop it from happening.
(Jayce remembers what he saw for Audric's future...Saw Boss's base materializing
on Audric, and Audric being consumed by it.)
Jayce: I have to protect you, Father. I saw something of the future...
Audric: Don't worry about all that. Once we stop Saw Boss, it'll be worth
any troubles. Besides, you just warned me about what you saw, whether you
realize it or not, and i know to be prepared.
(They follow the root, which is glowing brightly, unaware that Saw Boss
is winding his way from the other end of the maze to find them, with the
Black Light guiding him)
(His plan was to trap the Lightning League on his home turf, then to do
away with them. Half of his plan has already been accomplished.)
Shift to: The room containing the Black Light. Whoever reaches it first
could be the victor in the whole she-bang; The black light shows both Jayce
and Audric, and Saw Boss, each looking for the other, keeping eyes and
ears peeled.)
The root glows brighter, but the maze is enormous.
Saw Boss, in his wheeled form, makes it to the room with the Black Light.
Saw Boss: (looking into the Black Light itself) So, they were able to put
the root together. No matter...once they get here, I can ambush them and
take what's rightfully mine and destroy it. Then I'll rule the universe
unchallenged! Ha ha ha ha...
(As Jayce and Audric wind their way, they hear Saw Boss's laughter echo.
Audric: We must be close. Remember, first Saw Boss, then the Black Light.
Undoubtedly, it's shown him where we are, so he must be there with it.
Jayce: This changes the plan a little, but we can take care of them.
Audric: Just don't underestimate Saw Boss, Jayce. Be ready the moment we
get near to him, and touch him with the root, and then throw it in the
Black Light.
Jayce: But won't that kill the root?
Audric: No, it'll kill the Black Light, but the root will survive unscarred.
Jayce: So, why eliminate Saw Boss first?
Audric: He's a nmore immediate threat.
(Clutching the root, Jayce prepares to round a corner, because the root
is vibrating intensely, as well as glowing brightly)
Audric stays back, in case he's needed for backup.
Jayce plunges forward, jamming the root to Saw Boss's face.
Saw Boss (Shocked and angry, but more afraid) No, no! You touched me with
the root! You can't have victory! I won't let you!
Saw Boss fires the saw from its mount, and it ricochets. Audric, alert
in having been somewhat warned by Jayce, carefully watches it and evades
it. Then, suddenly, it dries up ans turns to dust.
As Saw Boss screams, the same happens to him, only it takes longer. Still
screaming, the root as a virus to him, he gets weaker, and all his organs
disintegrate until, finally, he's no more than dust.
Audric: Now, Jayce...throw it in the fire!
Without hesitating, Jayce throws the root into the Black Light. The Light
flickers, then disperses, and is no more.
Saw Boss's base is gone; the remaining vines and Monster Minds on all the
planets in the universe die out.
Flora (now reunited with Jayce and Audric): You did it, Jayce...Audric!
You saved the universe from the Monster Minds!
Herc: I'm proud of you, kid....and now I can finally get paid for all my
time and troubles.
Gillian: The universe is at peace again. Congratulations.
(Fade and dissolve to:
(The former planet the Monster Minds originated from, now restored to proper
glory, with the ruins of the Monster Minds gone).
Jayce: It feels so good to finally be home.
Herc: And I finally got paid, kid. I've travelled enough for a lifetime,
so think I'll rest up here, with my friends.
Flora: You mean...we're your friends, Herc?
Herc: Anyone who pays me is a friend of mine.
Jayce: Same old Herc.
Audric steps up.
Audric: My days as a botanist are over.
Herc: Thankfully.
Audric: You want me to doc your pay?
Oon: Whew! Now i can relax like Herc.
(All of them laugh together, as if something that was said was the funniest
thing ever)
The End.
Author's Note:
I hope people like this as much as i enjoyed writing it.Comments on "Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors Episode 66 Reunion (Part 3)"
On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
I've proven an interesting thing: People are more interested in the very ending of the series than the other components. I'm the same way. Cool.
On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, blue angel
(866) wrote:
Brilliant ending and the victory is accomplished and the universe is saved. You tied it up nicely and the imagery was cool too. Well done :)~
On Tuesday, March 4, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Thank you, my love. xoxox.
On Thursday, December 19, 2013, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Yeah, Audric is my favorite character. I always wanted a happy ending for this show, with Jayce and the crew reunited with Audric.