Overlay & Inlay
By veingo
Please don't
Please don't leave
Don't leave
Don't leave me
Don't leave me wanting
Leave me wanting
Wanting what you will not let me have
You will not
You will not
let me have
Let me have
Having what you will not
You will not
You will not give me
Give me something
Give me something to be
Give me something to belive
Give me something to belive in
Live in
Live inside
Live inside you
Inside you
You can
You can not
Can not
Can not make you
Can not make you let me
Make you let me
You let me
You let me in
Let me in.
Please don't leave me wanting what you will not let me having what you
will not give me something to belive inside you can not make you let me
Comments on "Overlay & Inlay"
A former member wrote:
Awesome read...left in thought... hmm loved it. :)
On Friday, September 19, 2008, Lylani
(112) wrote:
Incredible...I'm lacking anything intelligent to say, I'm just blown away this is awesome!
A former member wrote:
it makes me feel like someone needs me, but i just keep turning my back. repetition seemed like a heartbreaking echo. overall, excellent.
A former member wrote:
A former member wrote:
A clever piece. I did something similar to this in my 'Cross.' piece, to a lesser structural extent. Good concept and delivery. +tpu+
On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, NikesRain
(1240) wrote:
damn ron this is excellent... it's feel and affect are stealing anything intelligent i might try to say though...
A former member wrote:
It's so shitty when people just block you out...fuck poeple and all their blocking...and shit.
Great format and the small amount of words and wordplay within speak volumes.
On Monday, August 18, 2008, Army Barbie
(316) wrote:
Jon...I have to say you have more than out done yourself. This is simply amazing
On Monday, August 18, 2008, veingo
(526) wrote:
Wow. That's the second time a girl has called me by the wrong name.........
On Monday, August 18, 2008, Army Barbie
(316) wrote:
hahaha I mean't Ron. I'm talking to Jon. ...ahahaha. Love you, Ronnykins
On Monday, August 18, 2008, veingo
(526) wrote:
Well, at least you owned up to it. The last girl just tried to deny it. *hugs*
On Monday, August 18, 2008, Six-Out
(1423) wrote:
Besides Ron, me and you are essentially the same. One love, right? ;)
On Monday, August 18, 2008, veingo
(526) wrote:
You know it *wink*
A former member wrote:
*restarts heart, remembers how to breathe* swear i forgot complete how o intake that oxygen reading this. *huggles ze magician* perfect