By past tense
she smells of heartache and burnt paper.
with words telling of nights
the back.breaking sky held an army
and the stars fell.
like bombs.
when trouble was written in broken bones
the letters were made with cotton.
her eyes treated me like a refuge.
These words
through the gutter
and I can't help but remember the time
when our dreams were answered with miracles
instead of switchblades.
When it gets right down to it,
we are mortal
enemies of mortality
and serenity
is just a number we dial
on lonely nights.
when we. break our necks to see heaven.
and god is just a dial tone.
that speaks in drunken murmurs.
we spin webs in romance novel style cliches
sounding boards for the drunk and lonely.
we are blind.
for lack of a better word.
like breakdown artists that drip paint
from concrete tables. heartbreak is as objective
as breathing.
so I'm drawing blanks.
in the form of perfection.
We are only as strong
as the weakest chain link
built around our wills to survive.
When the wind blows November
over my huddled clay-lump body,
I weep into the sewage grates
and hope that somewhere
my tears will find the ocean.
but the water has stopped running.
and I'm lost
Comments on "50%"
A former member wrote:
i'm as lost as you bro...."so i'm drawing blanks in the form of perfection"....for what it's worth if your tears never find the ocean neither will the ones that just departed from my watergrained windows....*****....-rc/\ol
On Friday, May 25, 2012, Alchemist
(679) wrote:
I hope your words reach the ink and ink stains the paper and paper is imprisoned by a glass bottle and the bottle floats away for some fortunate soul to find and collect these thoughts in a future thats better because of your lost tears that help float this wonderful poem across the sea.
On Saturday, May 12, 2012, Carmina Gitana
(149) wrote:
You write like every word has a damn good reason to be there. I love it.
On Tuesday, August 11, 2009, Believer
(48) wrote:
ouch. urbanhumility said it right.
On Monday, August 10, 2009, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
intelligent and articulate........your prose is swift and so sharp.............
On Monday, August 10, 2009, Vicious Pixie
(58) wrote:
wow i just loved this. i felt as though i was suspended breathlessly on every word. i love the way you write
A former member wrote:
Powerful write, especially the ending. Superb work. +tpu+
On Monday, May 11, 2009, Sin
(1135) wrote:
this reminded me of a story i saw about gutter punk children. heart breaking and lonely witht he bleakest glimmer of hope
On Friday, May 8, 2009, CjPsychotic
(30) wrote:
I'd say a chill ran down 75% of my spine. This is obscenely brilliant and brutally honest. We decorate our lives to try and live them to the fullest; make everything more perfect and relevent because we feel we need a purpose. We're all perpetually doomed to be nothing more than measely humans. Perfect write. Thank you.
A former member wrote:
"We are only as strong
as the weakest chain link
fence built around our wills to survive....I weep into the sewage grates
and hope that somewhere
my tears will find the ocean..." such powerful imagery.I'll be sure to read more of your work!
On Tuesday, May 20, 2008, Reefer_rave
(139) wrote:
At a loss for words..very sublime makes my mind dance
On Thursday, May 15, 2008, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
It's difficult to come up with words to describe this. What I will say is this was spun magnificent..A write that reveals true talent. Very well done, indeed =) -Carl
On Thursday, May 15, 2008, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
Wow...I loved this one! The imagery of "These words slip twisted through the gutter" and weeping into a sewage grate so "my tears will find the ocean" were especially great bits of imagery for me. Very, very cool! Ciao, T/S
On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, The Lipstick Factor
(287) wrote:
I too find myself without many words, except wow..yeah..just wow.
On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, Rebel tiGer King
(239) wrote:
i agree with kellie, excellent and i have no more to say -symph-
On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, Narcissa
(391) wrote:
This just seemed to curl inside my soul. wow....Sorry for the lack of a better comment.
On Wednesday, May 14, 2008, Savannah
(218) wrote:
very nice.