By colorapathy
As still as death
As silent as night
As pure as red
I saw
his plight
He stood alone
A translucent shade
Darkness shown
And time delayed
Twined in dreams
Of departed friends
old lover's ghost
Alone in the wind.
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© 2008 colorapathy
Published on Sunday, April 6, 2008.
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Comments on "Ghost"
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On Saturday, October 12, 2013, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Superb..Resonant and beautiful, what a capture this is.
A former member wrote:
... .i am enjoying your voice; the tones and depths to it as well as the metre. .. .welcome to DP. ~ness
A former member wrote:
*translucent* and is 'dakeness' supposed to be *darkness* or *nakedness*? both have a good ring, though I must say, I like the second option better; not as clichéd and open to so many more interpretations...nice, all 4 posts so far. you've got a familiar something that's still a slightly different something all the same...
On Tuesday, April 8, 2008, colorapathy
(50) wrote:
Its supposed to be darkness.. aparently i need to read over these a little better before I submit them. lol
On Wednesday, April 9, 2008, Alanarchy
(1168) wrote:
You can always edit, my friend. Just go back into your clipboard.
A former member wrote:
Wow, Im sitting here in the dark and I finished reading this and look up stairing back at my reflection in the mirror lighted by the dim laptops light and this poem clicked. I love it, I felt like the old lovers ghost, SHORT, SWEET, To The Point!! Once again Welcome to DP! ][ ][
A former member wrote:
i likes it ^_^
On Sunday, April 6, 2008, colorapathy
(50) wrote:
-smiles- thank you much
On Sunday, April 6, 2008, Niemand
(355) wrote:
Interesting write... *Welcome to DP.
On Sunday, April 6, 2008, colorapathy
(50) wrote:
thank you