D3ADT0WN's picture
bum bum dee dum. dont fuck with that

D3ADT0WN's Works

Poetry (Depressed)2005-12-06Giving this all away
Poetry (Depressed)2006-08-19Open your eyes
Poetry 2007-10-29Deep thoughts
Poetry (Horror)2009-01-17He Hadn't Known what He Became.
Poetry (Personal)2009-05-13To dad.
Lyrics (Personal)2009-05-17Day one to the future.
Lyrics (Love)2009-05-20911
Lyrics (Love)2009-08-24Can I Be In A Painting With You?
Lyrics (Personal)2013-02-25My Hope
Lyrics (Love)2013-02-25Palm Trees
Poetry 2013-03-12Untitled
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