The Hollow Man's First Prayer
By Doc
Cool steam slowly
pours forth
From the mouth as the cold car warms up
The car is 50 years old to the date
Its not going to warm up
Only the heart can do that
No... Inhale
Smoke properly if your going to smoke
at all
A toast the the Virginians
The roads lined with crops
Living gold in a new world
How wonderful that must have been
A man once lived
Although I doubt he would have called
it that
He was a writer
Not always the most popular
intellectual, religious, mysterious
Arcane and completly obvious
Yet for all his mind
He wrote complexly of death
But his
great was simply
Of children laughing in
the foliage
Oh the sound, what a tear it brings to my eye
I hear my little sister jump out of the bushes
And try to tackle
me to the ground
I let her beat me up
A man has no pride
Without someone, some little one, to uphold it
fill my body, over, within, around, above
The warmth of my drink
still delves in it glass
The smooth brown stares at me
4 a.m...
not to late to start drinking
One man begins his search
in mystery, asking "Can it be?"
That man warns in his search , "It
might not be"
Hollow, gaunted, he knows it will never be.
Yet within a cool glass water
A beggar
And a bum
Comes God
And his children,
Laughing with
Eliot in the foliage.
Comments on "The Hollow Man's First Prayer"
On Monday, April 14, 2008, colorapathy
(50) wrote:
I'm really in awe of your style... perhaps because I can't write like that, but mostly because its very good. Perfectly portioned and smooth.
On Saturday, December 16, 2006, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
absract and telling a meaningful cryptic memory.......
On Thursday, December 14, 2006, Alanarchy
(1168) wrote:
It's like one man's everyday seen through fisheyed lenses. Pretty wicked. And the end was just spot on perfection. I enjoyed the hell out of this. I can't believe I'm the first to throw in my two pennies here. Write on.