-Show Me .. How-One Girl Is Worth m-o-r-e Than Twenty Boys-
By DeprivedOfReason
I’m dancing tonight beneath you 'mother'
Beneath your eyes
they see me
More than him
More than I could ever
There’s laughter here, oh N that smile
There’s a voice, it beckons me
Through a glittering metropolis
So far.. sooo very very far
give me wings
Give me wings
So that I may fall with grace
So that I may have something to lift towards you
As I drink in the Santa Ana’s
N the fading scent of oleanders
purging their last breath
….I am yours….
Forget me not’s are scattered
Crowning my pupils, hugging my eyes
I should never rise from this lush green sea
Dewdrops, N bladed canopies nests me
N the dandelions keep me company here
Singing to me, N I have named them all by heart
oh this silent wonderland
“make a wish” they say
giggling contagiously in song
as my eyes settle in prayer to them
I whisper his name
Oh N how they start to weep
The wind rushes in with gleeful sabotage
sweeping them away
Oh! Those willful libertines
Raping my muses, N With them their song for me
My feet take flight, murmuring the reflection of you with each step
Chasing the gallows ..
I watched as you painted a portrait of me in your laughter
Kill joy
Stuttered breath leaves me
On my blood candy apple wings
Panting, sucking in sharp daggers of cold air
“How could you 'mother'!?”
“how could you lie to me, so beautifully?”
cracked, disfigured my voice floats to you
…..can you hear me? ….
A stranger whispers love to me through sleep
Its snowing ash. . . on this bed
terrorist of truth
On these unrecognizable pigments .-.strange- figments
(My) ash. .
Burying me beneath warm long sinewy fingers
“his eyes…they’re lost, to him, kidnapped,- BY - him”
I’m stolen, inside a present I forgot to open
N it’s too late
It’s just too late
Child of April
Mistaken for my sister seasons
I too weep
Where are you wind. . . to take –me- now
“Hold my hand”
Show me.. how-one girl is worth m-o-r-e than twenty boys-
N oh ------ the cleverness of you!’
All I have is the gift of spring showers
The adversity of my dusty petals
The mischief of me
I’ve set this bed aflame
With me in it
You’re not welcomed here ‘love’
Let it burn, lets watch it burn
I want to be forgiven
For waltzing with fallen stars
When I knew better
Left to stare spellbound at stardust,
to flirt bravely
As he wore his face of sorrow,
As I kneeled to him to ask
“what’s the matter, you?”
Forgive me
Oh forgive me
The flames lick, scorch their way into me
Fireflies are born inside flickering brilliance of pain
I hear you calling me.. fanning the flames with your breath
The unfortunate inevitable nature that leaves me cindering
My eyes open, the stars greet me anxiously,
My fingers wander beneath me
My blood candy apple wings damp
My face frozen with the remnant tears
The only evidence of what was
I just came to tell you, that I’m dancing 'mother'
..I’m dancing here tonight..
Beneath you
. .N I’m …waiting ..
-To go home to you-
Comments on "-Show Me .. How-One Girl Is Worth m-o-r-e Than Twenty Boys-"
On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, K_Love
(525) wrote:
Oh I missed youuuu. So glad you're back. Beautiful work darling.
A former member wrote:
A lot of hidden messages I say. Has to be read slowly to absorb the feelings. But very well put together.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, monalisamarie
(113) wrote:
'Fireflies are born inside flickering brilliance of pain ' wow. What can I say? This has so many powerful lines. Great title too.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, mozarts cat
(183) wrote:
"Forget me not’s are scattered Crowning my pupils, hugging my eyes" .. this is perfect .. aching beautifully .. i love it ..
A former member wrote:
Eloquence, a woeful sort. Pure eloquence. This was beautiful. Overwhelmingly so. The last line caused me to shed an almost understanding tear..almost. Well done, dear.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, elisa
(1595) wrote:
beautifully cryptic........i always equate 'N' to Nitrogen (occupational hazard)......which happens to form 78% of the atmosphere.......anyways...i love it.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, elisa
(1595) wrote:
....the elisions....complement this piece .... i love it as is.