To the parents of every teen

By Nail Bunny

What the fuck do you think you know about us
that you think you can judge us so
you say you were once one of us
that was many years ago

You're not a teenager anymore
you don't know what our lives have in store
well, neither do we, but that's ok by me
we know what to do,
you don't have a clue

times have changed
and things that are strange
in your mind
are just fine
for us
so quit making that fuss
let us give
what we have to give



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Copyright 2005 Nail Bunny
Published on Tuesday, August 23, 2005.     Filed under: "Rage" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "To the parents of every teen"

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  • A former member wrote: that is so true no parent understands that was great!!

  • A former member wrote: that you so FUCKIN much for that.

  • Thorn On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, Thorn (282)By person wrote:

    I think the lack of adult wisdom and the confused searching for one's place in the world is a major part of what makes teen angst what it is.

  • Thorn On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, Thorn (282)By person wrote:

    And it's been people like this author who have been the driving force behind almost every recent social revolution. It's always been those who have it bad enough to complain, but are well-off enough to speak out.

  • Thorn On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, Thorn (282)By person wrote:

    And those who oppose the dissenting youths mostly criticize how good the "rebels" have it, and how naive they are for rebelling against "nothing".

  • Thorn On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, Thorn (282)By person wrote:

    Jake, you created quite a stir with this one. But what I think the critics fail to recognize is the natural teenage inclination to dissent. This write was not inspired by abusive or controlling parents, but by teen angst and the clash of generations.

  • mywristshurt On Tuesday, April 25, 2006, mywristshurt (405)By person wrote:

    Preach it sista!

  • Nail Bunny On Friday, April 28, 2006, Nail Bunny (161)By person wrote:


  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    *and addicted to some class A drug is an achievement in itself

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    so, essentially.. they may not understand where you're coming from as a teenager, you have to respect the fact that they're only human.. what would you do in thier shoes?

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    and despite all the crap that we went through growing up.. I think the fact that none of us have ended up working at mcdonalds, parents by the age of 16 and addicted to some class A drug..

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    You do have to have some respect for the fact that they're doing what they can to parent you, you know? I mean my mum has brought up 5 kids single handedly and we've all turned out to be genuinely decent people.

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    comment on this is somewhat pointless.. as I don't really relate. I mean, my mum doesn't get me in a lot of ways.. ways that most people don#t. She still thinks i'm a complete headcase most of the time, but she tottally lets me get on with it.

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    A few years ago, you would never have caught me so much as thinking that.. but it's so true.I did blame her for years for some of the shit that happend to me, but at the end of the day - why waste my time, right? It happend regardless.. anyway. I guess my

  • Railway_Butterfly On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    I actually so lucky, my mum is fucking amazing.

  • lordshadow On Monday, December 19, 2005, lordshadow (153)By person wrote:

    I guess I looked at this differently than most. I didn't see it as a teenager lashing out against his parents... I saw it as kind of a wake up call. Parents these days (and I am one) don't understand a lot of what goes on now

  • lordshadow On Monday, December 19, 2005, lordshadow (153)By person wrote:

    The rules that applied twenty, even ten years, no longer apply. Parents understand general situations, but they don't understand the specifics of this generation (that rhymed... unintentionally)... and dare I say, I liked this write. Oh well.

  • Nail Bunny On Tuesday, May 30, 2006, Nail Bunny (161)By person wrote:

    Thank you so much. A true appreciation of this write really brightens my day. And yes, that is more or less what this is.

  • A former member wrote: Absolutly fucking loved it. Oh so true. And screw you to all the assholes that hate teenagers and say thats rong. you have your own right to express your opinions. Fucking awsome. I'll join the revolution too. lol.

  • A former member wrote: i kind of felt this way until i went away to college. now i come home every weekend cause i miss my parents. your opinion will most likely change.

  • A former member wrote: I'm a teenager myself. I admit, I don't like my parents very much, but not because of what you said. Without your parents you'd be out in the streets somewhere. They know a lot more about you than you think. Human nature is the same in any era.

  • Mahakala On Sunday, September 25, 2005, Mahakala (207)By person wrote:

    haha yeah I totally agree with silentstalker...if you dont like where you're at you always have the choice to move out and support your self

  • A former member wrote: *sigh... i wish :(

  • little butterfly On Friday, September 2, 2005, little butterfly (36)By person wrote:

    some times just some times i wish that my parents acutualy noticed that i was alive but then i wish they where dead so i dont know which one wins

  • A former member wrote: I thought like this once though I now believe that it just part of the process of growing up I would like to suggest that you do what I did.......which is whatever you want just be smart about it not to get caught

  • A former member wrote: complaining about things doesn't get the pot in the bowl or the cheat sheet in your back pocket.....your young and weather you believe it or not your never going to be able to have more fun then now, so have your fun, just try not to be stupid about it

  • Serenity On Wednesday, August 24, 2005, Serenity (469)By person wrote:

    I agree with Cucu, it is rather funny I agree. My mother and I get a long rather good so I can't say I've ever had a problem with her interfereing in my life.

  • Serenity On Wednesday, August 24, 2005, Serenity (469)By person wrote:

    She backs off until I come to her. But she knows when something's wrong and questions me periodically. I rather like Solace's response. Very wise.

  • Just a Rose On Wednesday, August 24, 2005, Just a Rose (25)By person wrote:

    doesnt every teen feel like this?? i know i have but sooner or later u will realize that if u start acting liket he adult you claim to be they will lay off a bit more and start treating you with respect

  • A former member wrote: ......... right

  • Possesion On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Possesion (136)By person wrote:

    Personally, being a teenager, I'd try to understand this, But really it's a waste of time. On one hand, alot of parents out there are alittle off on the skills due to lack of knowledge of what really goes on, Because honestly things are going faster and g

  • Possesion On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Possesion (136)By person wrote:

    >getting weirder these days for all of the little kids, what with the incredible rise in abuse, new drugs, new ways to get drugs, new problems all together. On the other, some teens just really whine over having good parents to give them rules and set bou

  • Possesion On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Possesion (136)By person wrote:

    Boundaries to be set. I think teens who have parents who actually try to be parents should stop telling them to "Stay out of my buisness" and stop being immature. Your going to need your parents later.

  • A former member wrote: I hate teenagers...hated them when I was one..they think they know everything and damn anyone who tries to tell them different...

  • ApathysKiss On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, ApathysKiss (377)By person wrote:

    hahahahahahahahahahaha...and yet they wonder why teen pregnancy is in an all time high...been there done that, they actually start trusting you when you don't act like a teenager. ~m~

  • SilentStalker On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, SilentStalker (1047)By person wrote:

    "Teenagers: Are you tired of being harassed by your stupid parents? Act now. Move out. Get a job and pay your own bills - while you still know everything." ...god, I still love that one; it says it all... :P Scholar

  • Solace On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    This is the common response of every teen when their parents will not let them do something, like say go to a party instance

  • Solace On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    why do you want to go to a party? to socialise? you can do that in school...wait till your old enough to decide whether or not you should drink and have sex with that stranger

  • Solace On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    teens just wanna have fun right? imagine you're a parent and you let your teen go to a party with people that parent doesn't know...your not old enough to protect yourself and stating that you do is naive and idiotic

  • Solace On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    sometimes parents can be overprotective but take it with a grain of salt, act mature about it and perhaps they'll trust you enough to go out and have fun responsibly

  • Nail Bunny On Tuesday, May 30, 2006, Nail Bunny (161)By person wrote:

    This is going to sound really stereotypical, but, fuck you, man. You totally missed the point. There was no party, no sex, no drugs nor booze. Try asking what this is about before you try to upstage my rant with your own.

  • Six-Out On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    Excellent response.

  • Six-Out On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    You're a teen. You should shut the hell up and listen to the person who is supporting your life.

  • Six-Out On Sunday, September 25, 2005, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    I agree with what I said.

  • Thorn On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Thorn (282)By person wrote:

    Fuck yes!! Bunny, what say you and I lead La Revolution?

  • Solace On Tuesday, August 23, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    I trust you have read Karl Marx's work and know exactly what the revolution entails...

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