I Remember your God, He was a Great Lay
By DeprivedOfReason
I remember you, my dose of sex with violence
you cut me loose, pried me wide
leaving your semen and sinews
in that stupid box you called love
i writhed in the afflictions of your kiss
you fucked my ear gently
with whispers of a promise
i knew'd be broken
by your carelessly sampled skin
your tongue encircled the parched left overs
of your casual sins
intricately manifested to reside
perfectly in your crooked grin
i knew your god
i kicked him to death
in the back alleys of my dreams
he never begged
just shook his head
and bled the innocence of misdirection
the misconceptions
breeding room for devastation
i remember your god
he was a great lay
with open eyes
that would never again
see you pray or stray
i grew your hate on my temple
which you always kissed before you left
murmured your goodbyes
as though you've never let go
before, binding me
in the hyperbole of your
insinuated bull shit
which i remember fit,
it really fit
with the traces of you
dismissed on my forehead
Comments on "I Remember your God, He was a Great Lay"
On Thursday, January 28, 2010, Sin
(1135) wrote:
oO this read like "if looks could kill"..or a stiletto to the groin. loved it ~k
On Wednesday, February 23, 2005, Lord Kalgalath
(182) wrote:
Great write. only part i disliked was that stupid box you call love bit, call me a bohemian revolutionary. =shrugs= but all in all Excellent.
A former member wrote:
brilliant beyond all reasonable explanation. your vocabulary was well equipped in the translation of this. i like this a lot.
On Tuesday, February 22, 2005, Recycled
(93) wrote:
Words escape me after reading this. That doesn't happen too often.
On Tuesday, February 22, 2005, BleedSilver
(298) wrote:
Damn, what a wonderfully poerful write! This poem just shines with hate and indifference at the same time. I love the title too. =)