born of

By capt_funguy

the simplish little haircut man i glimpsed at for
nothing at in the funnypapers that ought day forgotten
that brilliant shuffling of burnt edged drug
monies ... long ago , in an instance of
splish - splash clarifirma

the earth underfoot's messaged

tremble at the withdrawl of his spicspan excalibur

8 cylinder creepy crawl

limpnot limosine out of the ratcave ... fly by right to
capture the he- shes who're out of control
of themselves
return to bed barn occupation hazzard -
smells of desensitizing lotion from the sweaty necks
of slaughtered pigs , cows , vermin , and
fuck machines ( mechanicals with no other category since
they closed their eyes wrongly tightly )

the king of the crippled directables/lost hook pullers - tell
to the second marvel casts , spoken everywhere eye wild , of
slabs of beef as weight of ascention , carried across ice sheets
thrown by easterly hudson river blast assaults

.... ice crystals sting

the wind has bad accidental intentions ... no brains , just brawn

(fear the wind - it's the fuel of the death of everything ...
blows oxygen up the skirts of fake females who want
nothing less than you can squander while not slowing to
remember little eyes looking up at you or them with nothing more
or less than love and need )

and the cobblestones are never greaseless

unsteady island hopping ... thousand times thousand times
your forgotten expenditures - rubbed on your gums - felt free
crash temporary crash so exploding like a super nova that
you sequestored from the now love you bail out on with
bad intent - bad intent

i think you're king of the come what mays - i think you're
greed is greed is good ( razor stubble flattering faggotry )

drag back to the meat market

with premium thought provoked assumptions branching off to
tragic trip fests/falls into congealed pools of blitz spray
plus whatever makes this place disgusting

puddles of unmentionable things - like cowfuck and eyejuice and
mixed in accidental donkey saliva

9th protein configuration before the dayshift breaks , and they
pressure wash it all away

it's all in there ...

mixed to the percentage points .. laying alive in
microfractured landscape - concretious wonderland

mixture marvel

it's so unsimple science playing itself out with the
helpful bacteria feasting whilst sitting atop the foodchain
they're presented with

there's as much god power in deceit and degredation , as their
is in crisis folly and fist fucking the fast unfortunates who
used to be beautiful until their fathers smacked them off
the teet .... leaving them adrift with dependent personnas and
claws designed for grasping , holding , and never letting go

life is life

maggots and he- shes - donkey butchers and coke dealers make
up a whirlpool on the meat market factorious floor
where victims drag eachother to victimize eachother and brag to
themselves and never anyone else about what they do in the pool of
what the fuck is that / where did that come from

it slithers but it has legs

it's life from loss

loss of humaness , loss of mind , loss of selfish control

born of / born into rampant infection

born of pleasure centers calloused from overuse

tap tapping heels precede reach around milkings - destination ..
straight down
is this evolution's selection natural?

don't make the mistake of thinking that the lights aren't all on
for this ... no one is bothering to hide anything on the other
side of the hands you cover your eyes with
you perceive darkness , then create it ... but the sodium halides
blast away all shadows - showing skeletons and insertions and density
and mucus
they're retina burning mini suns like arc welders , and H-bombs
throwing off life heat in exchange for complete , if only temporary ,

when it pushes itself to the slimy dry -- when it rolls , or slithers
from it's world to ours .... we must welcome it , our first creation

born of our consumptionism - born of our brokeness - born of what
it takes for life to be livable for those people and
practitioners - you won't look at

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
Copyright 2005 capt_funguy
Published on Sunday, January 9, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "born of"

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  • Cassette On Thursday, January 4, 2018, Cassette (1087)By person wrote:

    all the little puzzle pieces coming together... fitting all the right ways...

  • carlosjackal On Sunday, July 3, 2011, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    Meat packing district of New York ;)

  • A former member wrote: may our creation be stillborn....your writes always peel back my pig thick skin and induce moral Chernobyls where the conscience should be...wicked stuff.

  • Mylissa On Monday, June 25, 2007, Mylissa (825)By person wrote:

    this was utterly amazing. I am impressed with your writing, I must read more.

  • carlosjackal On Thursday, December 21, 2006, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    I hate it when a piece is this good because I never know what the fuck to say..apart from, "Fuck it, thou shalt be faved."

  • A former member wrote: killer observations with your signature spin, brings so much truth and scrutiny in ordinariness that is lived without notice. and when you speak it leaves overpowering motivation to discover, and make things right? eye-opening..

  • AniDayz On Saturday, August 27, 2005, AniDayz (812)By person wrote:

    the rapture...the verasciousness...the all propelled in you fucking genius compatability...youve astounded me, awed me, and blown me away, consecutively. this is masterful--hell, this is genius---pure fucking genius.

  • flying_fox On Friday, February 4, 2005, flying_fox (571)By person wrote:

    with in-your-face imagery. I feel kind of smacked about afte reading this, like you've taken me by the shoulders and shaken me to realise what a filthy place we live in.. yet there is definite beauty in these words.

  • flying_fox On Friday, February 4, 2005, flying_fox (571)By person wrote:

    Ok... I'm now back and even though alert I am still struggling to make sense of my busy brain afte reading this. I feel... dirty? Depressed? I'm really not sure. This wa sa disturbing write

  • flying_fox On Thursday, January 20, 2005, flying_fox (571)By person wrote:

    okay it's 1.30am and I'm trying to digest this, but I know I can't do it justice now. So, I'll just say, THANK DOG YOU'RE BACK and come back myself at a time of less sleepiness to comment. :)

  • Solace On Monday, January 17, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    The broken, the simplistic, the horribly complex...Gaping meatholes waiting to lap up the condensed form of garish particles...the bleak knowledge that we are born, into a world that dies the same way...

  • Solace On Monday, January 17, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    Creations that are nothing, that hold no relvenace, that are just form.seeing is believing, seeing is knowing, seeing is being fucked over by the illusory.

  • Solace On Monday, January 17, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    We are factory bred no less, little more than the base machines we work, chunk by chunk working day, generic production schemes...this is not life, this is not living...i wonder if i can remember what was, realise what is

  • Solace On Monday, January 17, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    They're never greaseless, cause the hands that scrub away are covered in the grime, smothering everything, like midas with filth instead of gold...Once more you sputter brilliance like a lighthouse guiding the ships in...

  • Solace On Monday, January 17, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    Guide me into harbor any time, my man, no resentment necessary...

  • purr_verse On Sunday, January 9, 2005, purr_verse (1052)By person wrote:

    woohoo, it's the capt! you've been missed. :) brutality, beauty and brilliance - this piece creeps and snarls and compels gloriously. marvellousness.

  • Jonas On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Jonas (715)By person wrote:

    a broken and imperfect world... the vernacular you created illustrates your intentions subtly. beauty in the lack of.

  • birdwell On Sunday, January 9, 2005, birdwell (138)By person wrote:

    awesome stuff man ~db~

  • Anth On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    hell, man, i feel like reading this, i had to hook my brain into another reality, another grid, yet the strange thing is that this is more real than anything.

  • Anth On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    i understood every verse,and with every line i was in awe of how u managed to word your perceptions that you captured something unique and original...but everyline,

  • Anth On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    aspects of life that pass by everyones eyes only you seem to be able to see,and its the very reason why so many of us wish to escape, maybe even pretend its not there,

  • Anth On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    there was nothing really sureal here, it was more that what you speak of goes unnoticed, like corruption. i felt saddened reading this,i wish i didnt understand some parts of it because they are like the grey areas of a kaliedoscopic view,,

  • Anth On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    i never can clarify my thoughts, just know that i understood this and am in awe of the mastery in which you brought forth this stunning work

  • carlosjackal On Saturday, July 5, 2008, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    The capt should seriously be on your faves list ;)

  • A former member wrote: man, what a headfuck, seemingly random but fit's together like little jigsaws, i'm going to have to comb this over to get everything i've missed, which is probably everything. fucking killer. well done man.

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