By Liath
Feelings fade from my mind
Like the blood that drains from my face
I try in vain to find
The memories of you I cannot easily erase
My grip on you is desperately lasting
Fearing to fall back into rage
My stomach is tired of fasting
And you put my heart back in its cage
The wind that blows howls words so sad
Changing direction and contradiction rampant
Whoever told me depression is a fad
Has caught my soul in terrible enrapturement
Stories have two sides
And four seasons to a year
Who knows why my true love hides
And how many feelings make up a tear
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Copyright 2004 Liath
Published on Monday, October 18, 2004.
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Comments on "Eternal"
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A former member wrote:
I agree very Beautifully done
On Monday, October 18, 2004, DarkDruidess
(313) wrote:
great flow and to echo others that last stanza blew me away...
On Monday, October 18, 2004, Zhee
(529) wrote:
i loved the end.. beautifully done!
A former member wrote:
I thoroughly enjoyed the entire work but, as DW said, the last stanza was phenomenal.
On Monday, October 18, 2004, DarkWolf
(415) wrote:
Deep and beautiful.. the last stanza is suberb and thought provoking. -Michael