By apophenia
to you because you asked in a way,
the danger of why, the sea sorrow of questioning the question of the questioner,
at the counter top of my kitchen, all seems a pale warm glow of normalcy
(as it is not) filling my stomach with acidic melting appreciation that
i could never name (or rather admit to). when your scars stare at you from
across the room, in mild flirtation, beckoning at you with their promise
of a numb solitude, or a harsh realization, a rehashing of all that has
been left to rot with abandon in the backyard conscious peekhole, all that
you needed to move out to continue ... the stink lingers however hard this
bleaching white will chemically change my mind, add another glass surface
this is not peace of mind, but pieces of uneaten cake, sliced in two down
the middle ---abdomen of this insect dormancy, birthing sporadically and
a thousand times the wrong evolutions, not in needed public view. i can
and do ignore, however much i do not want to, however much this flickering
ideal of self will tell me this is not who i am ... however much i desire
to smash the window panes of translucency i stare through day after day
but feeling, testing, gravity pulling planets and stars of your hidden
creations to melt into a corner and not move or twitch for days ...heal
these gravity cavity enclaves ... reactionary to the nth cloud of a daisy-ed
daydream elysium ... i can never fit these social language curtails, instead
i spin here silently, spider efficient and effervescently bubbling to be
freed of all this controlled definition ... so magneticized to the stars
subconscious, i could never trust this will enough to have one anymore,
wishing more that it would exist rather than completing the cyclical strands
that tell me it goes no where
my spiders and my window washers are busy all day ... and they taunt me
with their perfected ability to wipe this surface clean, taking good care
never to show me the marks...to keep these glaringly selfish intentions
from peeking over the brim of id and the superego to relinquish its idealistic
boundaries of definitive straight lines in reality, but this is all symbolic
metaphoric semantics anyhow, inner cringing exploited to its surface tension
anxiety of breaking through but never really ... i do want connection,
and i despise it all the same for that need, the blatant glare of denial,
true independence is a child’s dream as well
ah, the reciprocals of a psychological existence ... sort of like the constant
flow of psychosomatic worlds, making concrete what is believed, and that
dangerous unconscious power of splurged application
sometimes i think psychology is a damn good excuse, and that is all
i can do anything unfortunately, if mind will allow ... which is why i
do not trust it, i do not want the power because with it lies the collective
responsibility of the entire world >> given the mathematical power of imagery,
exponential power to infinity, loops to chaotic cyclical five dimensionality
... and since i have been shown to be quite destroyable in every way, i
could not face the children of my dreams, crying at me that they never
should have been born .... that it is possible if thought is existence
that abortion is a gift for the unwanted ... that death could actually
mean a kind of peace ... the possibility more persuasive than its application
as always ...
i want to care more than anything, i want to give this to the wind and
the birds of flight, i want them to take me and sing me songs and tell
me stories and expand the branching dendrites and fatty brain leaves of
my conscious subconscious to mathematics, science, philosophy, aesthetics,
music theory, and language mystery boxes, i want to unfold those concentrations
more than this constant worry of self decay before birth ... but i fear
it is all fucked down to the last screaming babe of a deterministic entropy,
heading toward burrows’ dream annexia, atrophied asshole men take over
... and that hesitation is compounded to the last sweatless, eyeless, tasteless
mass of a human faulted being, that loved too much too soon, for her own
good seasonings ... and now sits in wondered awed silence at how everything
continues to move agonizing slow-fast
mother tells me days and throughout, how when i was a child i danced dayly,
ran naked willfully, never wore shoes, and loved everything more than it
deserved for future’s resultant adversity of the naive girl, caught in
more than her development could retain water reflection of events ... but
stubborn enough to insist everything must be done and experienced and known
and loved now, now, now ...
love is a strange word, i think is too over-used for me to really evaluate
with a personal origins or rooted honesty
would you believe my own tendencies towards abstract connection, if i told
you i dreamed this sensation? of writing you a dream, of prompting your
own needs to connect again and again like a bee kisses each beautiful flower
for its nectar and flies off gayly to seed another ... i have so many decaying
children of hope already you must realize ... i wonder still how much you’d
want to know how far these webs of language could swell my stomach to the
bursting of a motherhood of creations, but i fear sickly babes will prompt
too soon my instinct to kill what need not be made to suffer, what innocence
need not be made to deaden, its eyes to flatten in post thought post mortem
... how much i do believe, if i ever did truly believe, that children should
not be made to suffer ....
i wonder if it is to cover all the unknown black holes beneath that suck
this light breath straight from a warm body staring at the light shards
across my kitchen counter tops
the stark determinism of the light perspective, this angle of the window,
acute just so to give me a pattern of shard glowing lines of magic sunlight
upon my kitchen counter top, my weaving brain can work a million different
symbols and synchronocities into,
to this, and reveals everything i could never accept ...
i wonder if it is more than this, i pick the associations up like grass
sheaths to my ephemera tower of creations within destructions ... i wonder
if it is merely a spiraling i can feel so closely but never know for close
proximity distance, how focus fusses when it comes too close ... this feeling
of absence sticks with me through and through, because i feel this other,
but i do not know it, nor have the capacity to know it beyond a faint feeling,
nor give any proof, and faith is always a hazy ground plain, green grass
metaphor ... you know all this already ... you see this more than i do
i believe ... this other .... it is more than a material vacancy to fill,
more than an awkward silence to overcome, more than missed arrows of word
hesitations that must be gleaned over in someone’s goodwill and understanding
that we are only, only gloriously, horribly homo sapien mutations
you know, the only thing i believe in is a paradox, and if that is god
than let the tides of associations and assumptions and necessary error
ratios flow to the eyes of my feet where they belong ... i can only know
things underneath ...
so to follow with this logic of a paradoxical belief system, your mind
cannot know this, it does not exist for us, we are forever removed from
our own spirituality left guessing and supposing like ignorant storks caught
flopping in the oil spilled coastline ...
why do you insist on inciting these things within me, within anyone? to
give pandora a modern name, a physicality to exist and let free with all
her destructive creation, you cannot have one without the other, just as
you cannot have both ... and you can’t jump back once you’ve crossed
the line ... you know it is why i could never avoid you, why you are such
a damned distraction for me, always have been to my own ignorance... you
will never know, and i don’t want you to ... you have the potential of
being my destruction/creation, adam, and i don’t know if i will be able
to handle it this time ... i must keep you in this encasement outside myself
if i am to retain this exterior ... before i fold within myself and fly
away again as i always do ... this line is too blurry and i don’t want
to lose you to my own destruction again ...
i just want to run onto the morning horizon lines and dance my anachonistic
dances to rhythms long fogotten, be stereotyped a lost hippie, born before
or after my time, left in silent stupor, ignored for fear of guilt or misinterpretation
or plain delayed realization, no context to continue where i left and i
forgot all of it as soon as it left anyway ....
is freedom uninhibited units of anything? try to figure this shit into
a psychological equation, it drives me nuts ... i just wish someone would
believe in me without dependecy ... it seems impossible/improbable ...
anyway, i just want you to be free ... more than anything i could want
for myself, i want you to be free ... underneath all this rambling, that
is what i would want for everyone because i love them all so stupidly much
it hurts to live here every day, thinking these things and feeling this
pain of being unplugged from the collective ... and even after all i’ve
done to run and experience everything and predict with the knowledge cocks
of consequence, cause and effect, i still feel as if i am just a child
wanting to play with adult toys ...
i must wind back up now ... i fear i have said too much within a desire
for you to know ... whatever this madness is
Comments on "apophenia"
A former member wrote:
*prostrate, arms outstretched, you are my god/goddess* my life depends on these words and you are beyond this world.... there is not thank you enough
A former member wrote:
sweet jesus!! " wonder still how much you’d want to know how far these webs of language could swell my stomach to the bursting of a motherhood of creations, but i fear sickly babes will prompt too soon my instinct to kill what need not be made to suffer"!
A former member wrote:
"true independence is a child’s dream as well ah, the reciprocals of a psychological existence ... sort of like the constant flow of psychosomatic worlds, making concrete what is believed, and that dangerous unconscious power of splurged application" not
A former member wrote:
only does this speak for itself, it demands repetition!! ha!
A former member wrote:
"that it is possible if thought is existence that abortion is a gift for the unwanted ... that death could actually mean a kind of peace ... the possibility more persuasive than its application as always" moving beyond the cartesian perspective, I believe
A former member wrote:
its application can be quite effective but then one must be able to renounce the symbolic identity that comes from belonging to a shared interpretation ... ah. words
On Thursday, January 10, 2013, The Dybbuk
(895) wrote:
the order of simulacra... as we ride the symbols awaiting them to break upon a shore more real. Hope all is well.
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, Solace
(1065) wrote:
The feeling of frustration behind it, the desire for freedom, selfless freedom...It aches inside, tearing away, common negativity derides it and leaves it for dead...
On Wednesday, April 7, 2004, Solace
(1065) wrote:
The urge to quote is almost maddening, but i shall refrain, for you already know this work and it would be useless to both of us to do so...Suffice to say that I understand both the rambling and the message...
On Tuesday, March 30, 2004, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
This is magnificent - I can relate to this very well at present...from the other side of the moat... My favourite two sections are
On Tuesday, March 30, 2004, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
"i do want connection, and i despise it all the same for that need, the blatant glare of denial, true independence is a child’s dream as well" and
On Tuesday, March 30, 2004, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
"and since i have been shown to be quite destroyable in every way, i could not face the children of my dreams, crying at me that they never should have been born"
On Monday, March 29, 2004, capt_funguy
(777) wrote:
this madness is... a celebration ... one learns to clap , then claps louder .. because one can , and because one should ... so how loud is loud enough? no such thing ... i found this very interesting to say the least ... all encompassed ... funguy
On Sunday, March 28, 2004, flying_fox
(571) wrote:
I think I've burst some brain cells trying to keep up with this one...your words just bombarded me with images and thoughts and philosophy...wow. One read does not do this justice...I'm off to read it again... Fox
On Sunday, March 28, 2004, birdwell
(138) wrote:
i feel as though i fell from a building, and split my head open, or swallowed a school bus. something extraordinary...
On Monday, March 22, 2004, Mute Serenade
(389) wrote:
The mother, the spider and the washer... wow... really, wow... so many concepts and so many lines that imprint for a good long while. Truly awesome. "just a child wanting to play with adult toys.." -SueZen