Every Word
By Crystal Passion
A tempest?s rage permeates within a mind?s soul
She, as quiet mice slink into our very homes, lurks about her myriad of
Posed betwixt the midnight shadows, watching, gazing, LISTENING
Whispers of prolonged betrayal escapes the lips of loves once known
Voices jute their razor prose contention and in single file strike
The loosely woven trappings locked within her chest
Torrential surge, its pain its ecstasy!
Truth begat the begotten woman!
She thrives upon her emotional melting pot boiled beyond recognition
Countless feelings boiling over into one bewitched concoction a single
powerful emotion
The jaded masks her cohorts wear adorned in their golden trims and gem
In reality were of no more value than gutter snipe with their faux finish
and plastic rubies
As her daily work draws her direction askew, they speak about her forked
tongues and monolithic under tones
They jest with glee at her expense, ingesting the joys of a spinal corruption
And yet, none have come to consider?
that every word
is heard
Comments on "Every Word"
A former member wrote:
Good Message!..But too many words for this young boy to understand
On Tuesday, October 7, 2003, _Andrew_
(245) wrote:
kryz, i dont care what they say! you're awesome hehehe
On Sunday, October 5, 2003, Dancing_Monkey
(1228) wrote:
wow.. this is a fav