
By scarletara

I wrote a beautiful poem for you.
But I destroyed it.
Like you did my heart.
I watched it burn and turn black.
Like you did my heart.
Beautiful intensity burning
Words never heard.
Engulfed in flames
My vision was blurred.
Reflection upon my tears.
My tears upon reflection.
I turned and walked away.
In the opposite direction.
I left behind the ashes
Where love brightly burned.
Like you did my heart.
A hard lesson learned.
My love is now a corpse.
Smoldering cremains.
Just like my heart.
Your hands bloodstained.

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Copyright 2018 scarletara
Published on Thursday, May 3, 2018.     Filed under: "Personal" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Affliction"

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  • Jonas Robinson On Monday, February 25, 2019, Jonas Robinson (848)By person wrote:

    This sounds hard. I like this because it's meaningful and profound. :)

  • scarletara On Thursday, March 28, 2019, scarletara (58)By person wrote:

    Thanks. It is. It is still hard and it's been a year. Appreciate your feedback, darlin. Thank you for commenting.

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