when matter melts
By ruthless48
they say visual epiphanies are few and far between, cosmic hiccups
the moment when you lock eyes with someone and feel that lightning bolt
the big bang beginning of time explosion
one inverse femtobarn equates a 100 trillion collisions @ the LHC
kind of like that
they must be rare because they are so intense, physically draining
make you turn and watch the person walk away because they still have a
part of you in them
when you do, they have turned to look at you too
a deep sea diver suspended in front of a blue whale’s eye
a mother’s newborn child, laid chest to chest, who struggles then lifts
her head to hold a gaze
your true love’s pensive smile
© ruth follmann
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Copyright 2015 ruthless48
Published on Friday, May 22, 2015.
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