" Infodrome "
By bpathos
From my chair
Through the air
I want my info now
Truth or dare
I don’t care
Give me info now
Hip wired infolites
Something bout usage rights
Whereas my info wow
Flying flags ever knowing
Looking back never going
Here’s my info now
Meaning without content
Exists without it being sent
The contents meaning slowly dies
Contending feeds on sorefull eyes
Mercy typo pings brindle blogger
Immortal mention 2 NSA loggers
Wikimaster with google goggles
Seeks truthess acknak for boondoggle
Give me just a little push
My parental burning bush
Life lite the snippet deluxe
Youtube the world gone amuck
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Copyright 2012 bpathos
Published on Thursday, August 5, 2021.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and
Author's Note:
Our knowledge is going to grow faster than we can sort it. The Information Revolution is absorbing our past and the future.Comments on "" Infodrome ""
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On Saturday, March 24, 2012, dwells
(4177) wrote:
And the one-eyed monster will consume all. We are indeed re-writing history and how will we apply our new knowledge? For that is the wisdom of imformation - all else is donkeys braying in darkness. Thanks for this insightful write.
On Saturday, March 24, 2012, With love_Crow
(82) wrote:
I loved the usage of modern day sites we depend on so much. The tone is a bit satirical but all in all amusing. -Later