Comments by All Members

  • "i press.... echoes reaching through almost a decade now to still haunt... in the meaning? in the connection? which haunts more? the futility of sending messages back in time? I dunno... I miss you though... :/"
    Posted by MercyRain on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "the order of simulacra... as we ride the symbols awaiting them to break upon a shore more real. Hope all is well."
    Posted by The Dybbuk on "apophenia" by apophenia
  • "The beginning lines reminded me of the scene in fight club where his boss gives him crap about a piece of paper describing fight club and his response just rants about a crazed employee stalking cubicles with a high carbine automatic rifle... This whole thing is genius! Needs a few more reads!"
    Posted by FearlessDragon on "on obtaining a note from your corporate love machine" by apophenia
  • "I love this piece. however. you seem so lost, not knowing which way to turn. you seem like you just want to tear off your own flesh and scream at the ignorance of it all. you seem like you are raging inside. so just scream. scream as loud and as long as you can with clenched fists. knuckles white to the bone. wouldn't freedom of self be magnificent? thank you for your honesty in this. it really is wonderful. "
    Posted by spring hews on "reductionism/schism" by apophenia
  • "Ah, my dear... i miss the banter, the pushing boundaries... i hope you are making the universe treat you well"
    Posted by MercyRain on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "i for one, choose to hang on your every word... it's been too long. post something new so i can be more prompt. ~db~ "
    Posted by birdwell on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "as time goes on i find it harder and harder to leave words that express my pleasure at having read an author's poem..."
    Posted by Jonas on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "when I read your work you are so wonderfully beyond merely that organic state. Your intellectual curiousity and talent combine in such a delicious way...I always look forward to your pieces, my fellow wanderer. Ciao, T/S"
    Posted by TropicalSnowstorm on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "Cells combined, neurons firing telling your heart to beat, blood flowing into your brain keeping you conscious...and yet "
    Posted by TropicalSnowstorm on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "I can feel every word this...your quest for beauty, surprise and magic within a scientifically explanable universe...I think you yourself are evidence of this magic. "
    Posted by TropicalSnowstorm on "i press..." by apophenia
  • "if it has existential import, then how could it not have something to do with the vagina as birth canal... and given the connotations therein this is very interesting, beyond provocative, quite controversial...."
    Posted by Unknown on "the exploding vagina world" by apophenia
  • "*prostrate, arms outstretched, you are my god/goddess* my life depends on these words and you are beyond this world.... there is not thank you enough"
    Posted by Unknown on "apophenia" by apophenia
  • "sweet jesus!! " wonder still how much you’d want to know how far these webs of language could swell my stomach to the bursting of a motherhood of creations, but i fear sickly babes will prompt too soon my instinct to kill what need not be made to suffer"!"
    Posted by Unknown on "apophenia" by apophenia
  • "its application can be quite effective but then one must be able to renounce the symbolic identity that comes from belonging to a shared interpretation ... ah. words"
    Posted by Unknown on "apophenia" by apophenia
  • ""that it is possible if thought is existence that abortion is a gift for the unwanted ... that death could actually mean a kind of peace ... the possibility more persuasive than its application as always" moving beyond the cartesian perspective, I believe"
    Posted by Unknown on "apophenia" by apophenia
  • ""true independence is a child’s dream as well ah, the reciprocals of a psychological existence ... sort of like the constant flow of psychosomatic worlds, making concrete what is believed, and that dangerous unconscious power of splurged application" not "
    Posted by Unknown on "apophenia" by apophenia
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