Comments by All Members
- "an outcry for help.... so torturous a piece..well done. if ever u need someone to talk to.. please don't hesitate to ask."
Posted by natalie on "growing tired." by cut dagger cut
- "
"do you want death?"..lmao...its the poison bodily fluid..deaths cums I guess...such outrageous words here..very.uhm..shockingly honest..absurd..different...yeah..ponders for short moment..leaves.."
Posted by ubiquitoussoul on "no title..." by cut dagger cut
- "Why are people quoting..oh cause this write was hauntingly good ,"you created a winter in this rib cage that will never end."..thats a very chilling,cold hearted way to express the cavity that is the ribcage when hate swarms in it like a fire and extinguishes everything that becomes vividly tasty..the flesh rather..what is ..hanging from a a cow..ready to eaten..but us a dream you say..good that you walked away.. wouldn't want to have her on my dinner plate..or would I ."
Posted by ubiquitoussoul on "dismantled, my dear." by cut dagger cut
- "'I watched you cry and beg, and there was nothing I would do.
more than just an attempt to get to you,'..... absolutely love that line. definitely rouses the poetic hackles:)"
Posted by elisa on "dismantled, my dear." by cut dagger cut