Comments by All Members
- "Well the first thing that came to mind was, we just met and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe lol but all jokes aside this is beautiful and the fact that u both feel the same way for each other is even more amazing treasure this feeling and these days with this person I'm glad u found love :)"
Posted by Unknown on "You" by LostInDarkness
- "Interesting and yes, there are guides who help and protect and knows what´s right and wrong for us.,..and the tricksters I´ve seen in Supernatural tv series and don+t listen to them or try suÃcide anymore...plz don´t do´re amazing, sweetie..."
Posted by Unknown on "LostInDarkness" by LostInDarkness
- "Life is but a masquerade...we all live behind fake smiles, depends on the time. This was one of the most honest expressions of life as we know I have seen in a long while. Keep it real. Your expression and wording excels in drawing out the real person that is hiding behind their own "fake" smile."
Posted by Regnhild on "Mineshaft" by LostInDarkness
- "Not a fun childhood, but we are stronger having not only survived it, but finding our voices to scream out against it. Excellent write - XXOO"
Posted by Nehema on "Games" by LostInDarkness
- "that happens to be very true, you are your own worst critic, and i like 3 of mine, games, mindshaft and believe."
Posted by LostInDarkness on "Life" by LostInDarkness
- "it is veryy good :) its meaningful and you are your own worst critic.. most of my poems I hate..The only one I have been proud of is "Your Fate worse than death" and thats cause it makes me giggle."
Posted by BrokenKatra on "Life" by LostInDarkness
- "I agree with you finding the meaning of life wouldn't change a thing. I love it. It's amazing. "
Posted by Unknown on "Life" by LostInDarkness
- "night the only time u feel safe .....i like the poem i kinda find myself in it ....the breeze ,the silence remind me who i am and i'm about to loose ....great writing "
Posted by Unknown on "Night" by LostInDarkness
- "yea, i dont remember putting that how there, i guess im just really tired. and i cant, my internet gets shut off on the weekdays at 2 so people wont bitch at me"
Posted by LostInDarkness on "Night" by LostInDarkness
- "Hi LID - first "how" in last line is not needed I don't believe? This was a fine paen to the night, too bad we don't have better night vision. Perhaps you should be working the nightshift? I did it for 25 years and the only time I was tired was when the sun was rising. Cheers!"
Posted by dwells on "Night" by LostInDarkness
- "Preach it brother! Loved it, especially towards the end. Very shadow suave for the night lovers."
Posted by Mortifera on "Night" by LostInDarkness
- "Such sorrow and pain, I'm sorry Dark if this is based on reality. Very sorry. I came from that type of family, never give up your life and your future for the ones who tried to steal it in the past. You mean way to much and the abuser's life means absolute shit."
Posted by Mortifera on "Games" by LostInDarkness
- "i like this....however....not trying to be rude....but why not ask....just because you know how you would answer doesn't mean that everyone else would.....every individual has their own personal perspective....just my thoughts....well written though...thanks....rc/\ol"
Posted by Unknown on "Who i am" by LostInDarkness
- "L ike this because I believe in being who you are no mateter what anyone thinks.For lack of a better phrase fuck em.Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who your not
Posted by LOKI on "Who i am" by LostInDarkness