Comments by All Members

  • "I know what you mean. I almost don't want to be in the relationship I'm in right now because I know we're both going to get hurt in the end. But nicely done, thanks for sharing (:"
    Posted by Doll Eyes on "I hurt too" by DarkBlades
  • "Many people mistake the scars for self-loathing, but that's not what mine are. It's therepy, and it's beautiful. I don't understand what everyone is saying about it."
    Posted by Doll Eyes on "The Cutters Death" by DarkBlades
  • "I am going to approve of this masterly piece It takes a certain kind of person to join the marines that is very noble, congratulations. Best of luck in what you do."
    Posted by Unknown on "Where I'm From/I am going" by DarkBlades
  • "I enjoyed reading this. Interesting poem and concept. Not much I can add other than I wanted to join the army once. Of course they weren't recruiting... The escapism can be a haven for some. It is a dignified way to go; least that's my opinion..."
    Posted by Unknown on "Where I'm From/I am going" by DarkBlades
  • "Thats so sweet. Oh thats beautiful. The way it flows and the words seem to colide and make a picture of words. . .Great writing:)"
    Posted by Ladyhawke on "My Angel" by DarkBlades
  • "Sweet sorrowful many options, so little time to do them all before one bleeds out. Love your work."
    Posted by SulaMoon on "sweet suicide" by DarkBlades
  • "such a sad little poem i hate when people do that we get up the courage to say we love them and then they reject it and say we are just friends lovely poem ^_^ "
    Posted by Unknown on "nightmare called reality" by DarkBlades
  • "I really like this one but the lupine line and the prowl line are a hair off. Other than that it is excellent and I enjoyed the imagery as well"
    Posted by nightshade on "The Fight" by DarkBlades
  • "this was so dark and eerie, I enjoyed it very much so and I hope you can find happiness in the right places. its all we are looking for, right?"
    Posted by Poetic-Realm on "as i lay dying" by DarkBlades
  • "Every now and then there comes a poem that reminds me of a puppy. Cute and easily used to pick up the ladies. well done. P.S. only one lady at a time Blade unless they are cool with it then be my guest. ;P"
    Posted by Iwas on "she" by DarkBlades
  • "When I first started reading this I got a very creepy feeling of deja vu. Especially the line "Now I am forced to walk this dark and gruesome world." You could have pulled this almost directly from some of my unposted works. I however welcomed the sudden change when faith stepped out. I must say you are a writer after my own heart. (even if you seem to steal my lines :p) Keep em coming, Roxas :p (actually you might be Sora he had a bigger bit to play :p)"
    Posted by nightshade on "Finding Faith" by DarkBlades
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