Comments by All Members
- "been there. (think in one way or another we all have). you wrote the whole painful, messy experience well. thank you."
Posted by ebonyamore on "Being used?" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I often wish I had a 'pensieve' (like Dumbledores) could add which ever thoughts you like to be viewed at your leisure...(or not) as the case may be...A repository for your thoughts... thought bank safe deposit box...only you have the key...I want one..."
Posted by kinkifrog on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "Pictures often bring more pain than joy. I never understood the fascination with them. This is heavy with confusion and a slight sense of panic. A bit unnerving. +tpu+"
Posted by Unknown on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- ""He" was my ex. This is written about the night I was attacked during my sleep. Hope that clears it up for you."
Posted by Musik2MyEyes on "Whisper?" by Musik2MyEyes
- "This is a really nice write though sadly I have the opposite effect when it comes to memories. All of mine are so vivid they make me fall to my knees crying. Tragic isn't it? But yet if it weren't that way I wouldn't be here would I? So thank god that i have this messed up brain"
Posted by Dreamzz on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "It wouldn't be bad if the memories I was missing were the bad ones. Misplaced are the good ones. Huge chunks that I know were there at one time. Seems unfair to have those taken away."
Posted by Musik2MyEyes on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "This is painful to read...but sometimes those holes are there to protect...yes..I lived/live this...and sometimes its easier to not find whats'll eventually find us..doesn't it? "
Posted by Narcissa on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I wish I could tell you...This spoke to me...The way you put these "photographs" on the "coffee table" of your mind was rather unique and individual,.I enjoyed this read..Thanks."
Posted by ubiquitoussoul on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "That one left a lump in my throat. Pretty straight-forward jumping right onto subject. It is so hard to face and conquer bad memories rather than suppress or black them out. This piece spoke out to me as if directly through my eyes into my mind. *big hugs*"
Posted by Unknown on "Photographs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "This is a strong piece with a story behind it. The point where one cannot tell being asleep from awake is a very scary feeling."
Posted by Unknown on "HOW DID IT FEEL?" by Musik2MyEyes
- "Beautiful with the imagery and the concept. The way this work is written is both settle and somewhat mysterious as to who you mean by 'he.' Wonderful poem. "
Posted by Unknown on "Whisper?" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I love this piece. It is very moving. Words are both a weapon and shield especially when dealing with love for the art or love period. "
Posted by Unknown on "Attempt at words" by Musik2MyEyes
- "Amazing, this reminded me of the way "fight club" is written, with the abruptness and release. Your an great poet, and as a fellow poet I commend you for this. The ending struck me and brought a smile to my lips at the same time. I can relate this feeling very well, the way that you even thought of the aftermath so clearly, its scary. Thank you for this, Its strange to say, but reading this and understanding the feeling so well, seeing someone else may of had something similar, helps alleviate some of the fear I have of it myself. Thank you. ~Orion"
Posted by IAmNorge on "The Wall" by Musik2MyEyes
- "One comment surprises me. This is really amazing, It might be because of how much I can relate to it right now, but this really inspires me, I'm feel like painting right now, something I have been unable to do for a while. Thank you for the great write. ~Orion"
Posted by IAmNorge on "A Legacy Perhaps" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I agree with the person bellow me, Time never stops, but It is not the answer to everything, and or can't solve every have me thinking now. I liked this. ~Orion"
Posted by IAmNorge on "Murderous Clock" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I liked this, I try to explain how words do matter to people, and I usually come up empty handed, You did really well, good write=]"
Posted by IAmNorge on "Attempt at words" by Musik2MyEyes
- "This was honestly written as comic relief. It truly was just about the MANY ways people order their COFFEE. However, I was comparing it to how people are with their more serious beliefs. I'm not sure people are seeing my reference to coffee as the "punch line" to this poem. LOL But I truly enjoy everyone's comments and the willingness to be so open and let people have the right to believe whatever they want. Taking each others rights seriously IS important. And so is my coffee =P"
Posted by Musik2MyEyes on "How strong are your beliefs" by Musik2MyEyes
- "I think it's something many have gone through. Sometimes the words just need a vacation. I enjoyed the cancer/sneeze reference as well. Nicely put together :)"
Posted by Dilated View on "A Loss For Words?" by Musik2MyEyes
- "Whenever I get writer's block it is from thinking of too much too fast to focus on writing anything down. "Like calling cancer a sneeze", I understand."
Posted by Unknown on "A Loss For Words?" by Musik2MyEyes