Comments by All Members
- "Damn. You told it well my friend. You got every aspect of this nation all right here pretty much. Good job with this. It's epic. Full of truth, and straight to the point about everything. You held nothing back and for that I applaud you. I think you've convinced me to move to Canada too :)"
Posted by Rowan on "Why I'm moving to Canada" by Nomad
- "Ummmmm.....dude.....that's what Canada is like. Though I wanna go to Nevada where the strip joints are next to the bars you piss where you drink. To smoke inside I miss. Good write though. Enjoyed it. Maybe try going to Andorra?"
Posted by Unknown on "Why I'm moving to Canada" by Nomad
- "staring at something refracted here ... as he throws up his innards through his eyes ... damn ... it's a shame you no longer post ... a damn shame - funguy"
Posted by capt_funguy on "Snow Day" by Nomad
- "What a witty piece, I love the section "This land is small towns
with 4 churches and 5 topless bars
and a Wal-Mart that towers over them all
like some soaring, Olympian monument
to great selection and low, low prices"... Ciao, T/S"
Posted by TropicalSnowstorm on "Why I'm moving to Canada" by Nomad
- "this was barbaric nobility letting it all go at once , this is ... not allowed to blink anymore see it , feel it ... of course it burns ... absolute hardcore ... thanks man ... funguy"
Posted by capt_funguy on "a living brief" by Nomad
- "beautiful stream of consciousness expressing for me the facade and the mask and the obstacles keeping the heart from the rhythmic beat of real life."
Posted by Jonas on "a living brief" by Nomad
- "i seriously doubt any of the 'errors' here were unintentional. read cummings for a start. "
Posted by Jonas on "a living brief" by Nomad
- "This was like a large piece of steel wool doing figure eights across my I overdosed on heroin...the blood collected in pools,yet I felt no pain."
Posted by suicideseason on "a living brief" by Nomad
- "This is a well perfomed piece that i actually enjoyed for once, fix the grammar and spelling errors and i would say this is fantastic...candid in a wonderful sense..."
Posted by Solace on "a living brief" by Nomad
- "This was a brilliant depiction of a snow day, the children, the business men and the bum...excellent contrast and well expressed piece, par excellence"
Posted by Solace on "Snow Day" by Nomad
- ""and how he swayed so gently
from that light fixture
where he took his stand against the madness of
good vibrations". that whole stanza was wicked. .just awesome write overall. . a brutal honesty, but one you wrote about in a perfect way. .WOW. . *f"
Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "Why I'm moving to Canada" by Nomad