Ashes the Emo Fae

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Erm, I suppose there isn't much to say about myself. I would definitely say I am a dreamer, although more often than not it is just all in my head. Hopefully one day my imagination will take me places, if not through my poetry than perhaps my novels. Please forgive if my poems are mediocre at best sometimes. I write what I feel and sometimes my feelings are bleh.

I am more of a storyteller. Most of the people I know will say the same thing. I always have some kind of tale or anecdote for most conversations. I think it annoys people when I do that, but what's life but a story anyway with you or me as the protagonist?

Ashes the Emo Fae's Works

Poetry 2011-07-20The Perfect Puppet
Poetry (Love)2011-07-20The Faerie's Veiw
Poetry 2011-07-22The Little Girl
Poetry (Love)2011-07-25The Knight in Shadow Armor
Poetry 2011-08-03Porcelain Mask
Poetry (Depressed)2011-08-07The Watcher
Poetry (Personal)2011-08-09Summer Cleaning
Poetry (Depressed)2011-08-10I'm Fine
Poetry (Personal)2011-08-19Two Days
Poetry (Depressed)2011-08-23Stop
Poetry (Fantasy)2011-09-01Him
Poetry 2011-09-11Falling, Not Flying
Poetry 2011-10-01Jamison and Fringe
Poetry (Depressed)2011-11-20Pain
Poetry 2011-12-01Pain's other Face
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